
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Notice that Moses wasn’t telling them not to feel fear. The
prospect of looming death will just kind of do that. On its own.
Fear is a natural human response to a lot of things, a Red Sea
moment being one of them. So he knew they would feel fear,
but he was telling them not to wallow in it. Not to choose it.
Not make friends with it. Not entertain it, engage it. Because if
they did, they risked not sticking around long enough to
experience the stunning miracle their God was about to
perform. And even more, they risked not getting to the other
side. To the Promised Land. To the milk and to the honey. To

Oh, so that’s what the enemy wanted fear to keep them from
obtaining. That’s what they’d all be singing about in the next
chapter, while Pharaoh’s army was being swallowed whole by
the waters and Israel was now just a hop and a skip from Sinai.

And that’s what he hopes fear will keep you from obtaining

Your destiny.

Let me say this: I do know firsthand how the despair of
intimidation feels when it’s strangling you around the neck. I

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