
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1
It’s the enemy telling you, “Be very afraid.”

Is that the kind of junk he’s been feeding you lately?
Twenty million reasons why you can’t? Can’t kick the habit?
Can’t stand up and lead a Bible study? Can’t help start that
inner-city ministry? Not qualified enough for that job? Can’t do
this, could never do that, be crazy to even think about doing
that other thing?

Why not? Might take too much time? Not to mention the
pressure? The germs? Do I really want to risk the rejection of
being told no? Don’t I realize what I’d be giving up in terms of
security and salary and insurance benefits? What would
people think if I did something so audacious, something out of
my normal routine and pattern? Wouldn’t I just be opening
myself up to criticism and catty comments? What about my
food allergies, my fear of flying, all my other various

Are those the kind of speed bumps and roadblocks he’s
been laying in front of you, seemingly all your life?

He’s just full of it. Full of excuses. Invested in cramming
you full of fear. Why? Because fear is the antithesis of faith.

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