
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Peace. Let’s hang here for a second while we unpack the
importance of that word in our spiritual vocabulary. Peace. The
enemy is flat-out against it. And he works overtime to
dismantle anything resembling it. But what’s he so afraid that it
might cause or lead us to do?

Let’s start here: “Having been justified by faith,” the Bible
tells us, “we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
Christ” (Rom. 5:1). Peace with God. No more fear of
condemnation. Unhindered access back and forth between Him
and ourselves. So whatever lack of peace you or I might feel
with God, and whenever we might feel it, it’s always coming
from a source that is not God because He has already blown
down every door that keeps us from experiencing total peace
with Him.

Strike one. The enemy doesn’t like that.

To ruffle his feathers even more, our peace with God
infuses us with the peace of God. It’s a gift that keeps us stable
and strong even when our circumstances are the furthest thing
away from being peaceful (John 14:27; 16:33). It also acts as a
guide that helps us discern God’s leading and direction toward

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