
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

He’ll do it in the global church too. He’ll augment the
clashes of race and economics and doctrinal stances
concerning issues of relatively minor importance, turning them
into trench warfare among fellow believers in the body of
Christ, further quieting the voice of the gospel behind loud
debates over our firmly held positions.

And he’ll do it in your own personal relationships as well.
Mark the ones that form the inner circle around your heart, the
tribe you go into battle with, the people who are most
influential in helping you stay spiritually on task and on target
—people who most likely depend on you in the same way.
Think of your spouse, your closest girlfriends, your
accountability partners, the other participants in your
discipleship group. Do you ever sense any tearing or
breakdown between the close bonds you share with these
people? Do you occasionally grow tired of the level of
commitments you’ve made with some of them, considering it
more of an intrusion than a mutual blessing? Do you
sometimes wish they wouldn’t call or want anything of you
tonight or wouldn’t ask about how you’ve been managing
yourself lately? Do you find yourself almost physically drawn
toward gossiping and listening to stories about them or others

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