
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

called titanic clash of end-time foes in what’s commonly known
as the battle of Armageddon. Know what it really is? More like
the devil and his demons getting all dressed up with no place
to go. It’s over before it even starts. The only thing that makes
it a war is that he becomes a prisoner of war. Satan is nothing
but a copycat, trying desperately to convince you he’s more
powerful than he actually is. Because remember: he does have
limitations—boundaries he cannot cross no matter how much
he desires or how hard he tries. For instance...

He can’t be everywhere at once (only God is
He can’t read your mind (only God is omniscient).
He is merely an illusionist, using cunning trickery
to deceive and mislead (only God can work flat-
out, unmistakable miracles).

And last, but certainly not least...

He’s running out of time (our God is eternal).

So even though he’s been given temporary clearance to
strategize and antagonize, we don’t need to pray from a
position of fear or weakness against him. Quite the opposite.

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