A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

276 Chapter 9 Verb phrases and verbal marking

(112) Pappa jareya ka-dungket Emba.
stem this KA-cane grandparent
‘Grandfather used this stick as a cane.’

The clause in (111) asserts that Pak Amie can (or did if in the past) use the rope
as he does not have a belt, while that in (112) indicates that Grandfather used a
branch as a substitute for his cane. In these instances, actor voice can be pre-
fixed to the ka prefix to derive an active transitive clause, as in (113) and (114).
The active denotes that the potential has been realized and the action has taken

(113) Pa' Amie nga-sabbu' tale juwa.
Mr Amie AV.KA-belt rope that
‘Pak Amie used that rope as a belt.’

(114) Emba nga-dungket pappa jareya.
grandparent AV.KA-cane stem this
‘Grandfather used this stick as a cane.’

Further, ka can be used with adjectival predicates to denote inchoatives or
accomplished states.

(115) Embuk ka-peggel.
eld.sister KA-angry
‘Big Sister got angry.’

(116) Ale' ka-potek.
yngr.sibling KA-restless
‘Little Brother got restless.’

Ka- is often added to transitivized stative predicates in the object voice, as
in (117c) and (118b).

(117) a. Soleha enga' ka nyama-na guru-na.
Soleha remember to name-DEF teacher-DEF
‘Soleha remembered her teacher’s name.’

b. Soleha ng-enga'-e nyama-na guru-na.
Soleha AV-remember-E name-DEF teacher-DEF
‘Soleha remembered her teacher’s name.’

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