Coordination 339
(20) Rohima lo' ngenom kopi otaba teh.
Rohima not AV.drink coffee or tea
‘Rohima doesn’t drink coffee or tea.’
(21) Hanina ngenom kopi tape banne teh.
Hanina AV.drink coffee but not tea
‘Hanina drinks coffee but not tea.’
The coordination in (21) is not a case of clausal coordination with banne teh
‘not tea’ taken to be a clausal fragment, and thus an instance of clausal coordi-
nation. As discussed in Chapter 3 section 3.1.1, banne is the negative mor-
pheme used with nouns, not with verbs or clauses. Therefore, the coordinated
elements in (21) are kopi ‘coffee’ and banne teh ‘not tea’, and (21) must be
analyzed as coordination of two noun phrases (or nominal elements at some
level of structure).
The differences emerge when coordinating NPs and PPs. While bi' ‘with’,
and (mo)so ‘with’ cannot be used to coordinate clauses, they can be used to
coordinate NPs, as can ban ‘and’.
(22) Bambang bi' Ita melle buku.
Bambang and Ita book
‘Bambang and Ita bought books.’
(23) Ebu' so Bapa' a-lan-jalan ka pasar.
mother with father AV-RED-walk to market
‘Mother and Father walked to the market.’
(24) Minggu se tapongkor Ali ban Atin entar dha' Bali.
week REL behind Ali and Atin go to Bali
‘Last week Ali and Atin went to Bali.’
Speakers differ somewhat in coordinating PPs. Ban can be used to coordinate
constituents at any level and is preferred for coordinate PPs (25).
(25) Sengko' a-temmo tang kanca neng kantor pos ban neng toko buku.
I AV-meet my friend at office post and at bookstore
‘I met my friends at the post office and at the bookstore.’
The acceptability of both bi' and so in coordinating PPs is much less certain.
Most speakers find bi' acceptable in some instances, though some do not. All of
the speakers consulted accepted bi' in (26) So, however, is sometimes rejec-
tewhen coordinating PPs, but is accepted by many speakers in the sentence in
(27) (thus the % annotation). Again, ban is acceptable in both environments.