A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Prolepsis 359

b. Guru-na ng-yaken-ne Bambang ja' bakal lulus ujiyan.
teacher-DEF AV-sure-LOC Bambang COMP will pass exam
‘The teacher is sure about Bambang that he will pass the exam.’

(104) a. Ina a-bala ka Ebu' ja' Nabun a-berri' konce juwa
Ina AV-say to mother COMP Nabun AV-give key that
dha' Sa'diyah.
to Sa'diyah
‘Ina said to Mother that Nabun gave the key to Sa'diyah.’

b. Ina a-bala'-agi Nabun ka Ebu' ja' a-berri' konce juwa
Ina AV-say-AGI Nabun to mother COMP AV-give key that
dha' Sa'diyah.
to Sa'diyah
‘Ina said about Nabun to mother that she gave the key to Sa'diyah.’

In (103b), the locative suffix -ne and concomitant actor voice marking indicate
that Bambang is a matrix dependent, differentiating it from the embedding con-
struction in (103a). And in (104b), the suffix -agi in and the fact that Nabun
precedes a matrix clause argument, ka Ebu' ‘to mother’, indicate that Nabun is a
matrix dependent, unlike (104a). So, the basic embedding structure is distin-
guishable from the prolepsis structure on the basis of word order and morpholo-
The suffixal morphology has the same function here as it does elsewhere.
As described in Chapter 10, -e and -agi indicate that what is a prepositional
argument in basic structure has been selected as a core argument: the locative
suffix indicating that a goal is a core argument and -agi indicating that a bene-
factive argument, instrumental argument, subject matter argument and so on is a
core argument. There are synonymous sentences in which the additional matrix
dependent in the b-sentences occurs in a prepositional phrase. The sentence in
(105) is synonymous with (103b).

(105) Guru-na yaken ka Bambang ja' bakal lulus ujiyan.
teacher-DEF sure to Bambang COMP will pass exam
‘The teacher is sure about Bambang that he will pass the exam.’

In (105), Bambang, which is the actor of the embedded clause, is object of the
preposition ka 'to' in the matrix clause. Thus, the presence of the locative suffix
in (103b) parallels that in (106b), in which the goal argument that is object of
the preposition ka 'to' in (106a) occurs as a core argument.

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