A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Siti Lalumba 535

  1. “Siti Lalumba, Siti Kumamba, Siti Balasariatinya, Sariatinya, Ebu'
    Siti Lalumba Siti Kumamba Siti Balasariatinya Sariatinya mother
    la dhateng. Bukka' labang-nga.”
    already come open door-DEF
    “Siti Lalumba, Siti Kumamba, Siti Balasariatinya, Sariatinya, your Mother
    is home. Open the door.”

  2. Aba'eng a-towat, a-cereng, senneng,
    they AV-shout AV-shout happy
    They would shout, shout so happily

  3. “Oh, Ebu' dhateng. Ebu' dhateng. Ebu' dhateng.
    oh mother come mother come mother come
    “Mother's home. Mother's home. Mother's home

  4. “Engko' se a-bukka'-a. Engko' se a-bukka'-a.”
    I REL AV-open-IRR I REL AV-open-IRR
    “I am going to open the door. I am going to open the door.”

  5. Rebbu'-an ana'-eng jiya, terro se a-bukka'-a labang-nga.
    struggle-IT child-DEF this want REL AV-open-IRR door-DEF
    The children jostled each other, each wanting to be the one to open the door.

  6. Krincing-kringcing, “Ebu' dhateng. Ebu' dhateng.”
    sound of door opening mother come mother come
    Krincing-kringcing. “Mother's home. Mother's home.”

  7. Nase' sa-taker e-kembul-i e-kakan. Ce' nyaman-na!
    rice one-packet OV-share-LOC OV-eat very delicious-DEF
    They shared one packet of rice. It was so delicious!

  8. Adha' juko'-eng, keng nase' tho'.
    not.exist fish-DEF only rice only
    There was no fish, only rice and nothing else

  9. Buter tho' se e-badha-i taker, senneng.
    trivial.amount only REL OV-exist-LOC packet happy
    They were happy even though it was a very small amount of rice in a

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