A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

(Kiana) #1

InJAL (International Journal of Applied
Linguistics) 116
input: role of 73–4; and vocabulary
acquisition 84
input hypothesis 74
The Input Hypothesis(Krashen) 54
interaction, as default speaking situation
91 – 2
interaction hypothesis 42, 66, 74– 5
Interaction in the Language Curriculum
(Van Lier) 54
interlanguage: leaders in 39, 44; moving
away from 74
internal reorganization 90, 95
International Journal of Bilingualism 116
International Journal of Multilingualism 78
An Introduction to Second Language
Acquisition Research(Larsen-Freeman/
Long) 54
introspection 63, 137
IRAL (International Review of Applied
Linguistics)51–3, 116
Israel, language testing in 82
Israel/West Bank, language landscape in
Italy, AL community in 14
iterative adaptation 89, 100

JCR (Journal Citation Report) 117
John Benjamins Publishing: AILA
cooperation with 33; AL publications
of 55, 56 ; handbooks and
encyclopedias 69
Johnson, Karen: on Firth/Wagner
article 30–1; on foundational sources
63; on teacher education 85; web
searches for 109
Johnson, Keith, on impact of AL on
language teaching 128– 9
journal articles: and book chapters 53;
citation scorefixing in 115–16;
citations of 110, 114, 116; contributing
to PhDs 113; core 50–2, 56
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural
Development 117
Journal of Second Language Writing 117
journals: backlogs in publishing 113;
impact factors of 116–17, 118 ,
119 – 20; most important 52 ,53
Juffs, Alan: on impact of AL on
language teaching 130; introduction
to AL 18; on overviews and
meta-analyses 68–9; responses to
interview 38

K-12, as research population 20, 70
Kasper, Gabrielle 31–2, 36, 85
Kellerman, Eric: and contrastive
analysis 74; description of AL 27–8;
h-index of 108
Kinginger, Celeste, on language teaching
84, 123, 131
Klein, Wolfgang 58, 74, 123, 137
Knapp, Karlfried: on CDST 88; on
impact of AL on language teaching
122, 125; introduction to AL 19
Koda, Keiko 129
Kramsch, Claire: and foreign language
learning 134; language of work 14; on
outside influences on AL 31; portrait
of 40; on psycholinguistics 29
Krashen, Stephen: citation score of 119;
description of AL 27; influence of
130 – 1; on language learning 73;
portrait of 44

labels, exponential growth of 64
LAD (Language Acquisition Device) 59,
67, 73
Lambert, Wallace 40, 48
language: authentic 65; as CDS 90–1;
mutually constitutive with use 88;
neurobiology of 47, 67; as social
phenomenon 60
language acquisition: and AL 27; order
of 77– 8
language aptitude, testing 76
language attrition 2, 43, 75, 137
Language Awareness 117
language competences, articulation
between levels 81
language development: and CDST/DST
43, 87–8; emotions in 76; individual
differences in 75–6, 90, 97–9, 103;
Schumann’s work on 47–8; and SOC
96; time series analysis of 71
language learners: errors made by 44;
international comparisons of 70; non-
literate 69–70; varieties used by 74
Language Learning(journal) 28, 45, 51,
53, 116
language loss 75, 78
language pathology 9
language policy: and language shift 78;
research and politics in 81–3; Spolsky
on 46; and teaching 135
language processing, CDST view of
91 – 3
language shift 75, 78

Index 149
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