A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

(Kiana) #1

language teaching: and AL 27–9, 83–4,
122 – 31, 135; AL leaders’work in 134;
informants’background in 17–20;
varieties of 83–4;see alsoCLT;
foreign language teaching; second
language teaching
Language Transfer in Language Learning
(Gass/Selinker) 54
language varieties 126
languaging 41, 57, 64
Lantolf, Jim: on Firth/Wagner article
31; on impact of AL on language
teaching 123, 127; introduction to AL
18; language of work 14; on linguistic
theories 59; portrait of 41; on SCT
63, 134; on teacher education 85; on
theory construction 61
Lanza, Elizabeth: description of AL 34;
on language policy 81; on
multilingualism 78
Larsen-Freeman, Diane: on CDST 87–9,
98, 134; on impact of AL on language
teaching 128; on leaders 37; portrait
of 41–2; and teacher education 85; on
technology 67
Laufer, Batia 107–8, 109 , 110
leaders: characteristics of 36–7, 48–9,
133 – 4; and citations 114, 115 , 119,
136; and gender 12–13, 23; and
influences 21–2; list of 38, 39 ,40
learning theory 125
Life With Two Languages(Grosjean) 54
Lightbown, Patsy 110, 131
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 117
linguistic landscape 47, 83
linguistic representations, stability of 93
linguistic theories: and corpus
linguistics 65–6; Gass’s work in 44;
and separate cognitive modules 91;
use of in AL 57– 61
linguistic units, isolated 91–2, 94, 103
linguistics: in AL/SLS education 17;
generational shifts in 59–60;
Halliday’s use of term 57
Lo Bianco, Joseph 81, 130
Long, Michael: and critical period
hypothesis 76; on impact of AL on
language teaching 128; influences on
22; on language policy 81; portrait of
42; on relativist/rationalist debate 62;
on SLA theory 61; work with Larsen-
Freeman 42
longitudinal case studies 88, 90
LSA (Linguistic Society of America) 32

MacIntyre, Peter: and CDST 103; on
motivation 99
MacNamara, Tim: becoming a tester 20;
on impact of AL on language
teaching 131; influences on 21
Makoni, Sinfree 78
Matthew effects 115
Mauranen, Anna: description of AL 27;
on impact of AL on language
teaching 132
Max Planck Institute for
Psycholinguistics 59, 136– 7
McGroarty, Mary: on discourse
analysis 66; experience in language
teaching 19
McNamara, Tim: on CA 66; on ELF 80;
on ethics in testing 68; on SCT 63; on
SFG 58
meaning potential 57
Meara, Paul: and aptitude testing 76;
description of AL 34; on ELF 80; on
GS 120n1; on impact of AL on
language teaching 124; and
publication data analysis 115, 117–18,
120; and vocabulary acquisition 84
mentors 21, 48
Merton, Robert 135
meta-analyses 45, 68– 9
migration 70, 78
Mind in Society(Vygotsky) 54
minority language learners 70
Mitchell, Rosamond: citations for 110;
on impact of AL on language
teaching 129; and language policy 82;
on language shift 78
Modern Language Journal(MLJ): Firth/
Wagner article in 30, 50; image of 53;
important articles in 51; readership of
116; vocabulary articles in 118
monitor theory 137
monologue 92
morpheme orders 80
motivation: CDST study of 99–100,
103, 136; development over time
101 – 2; Dörnyei’s work on 47;
Knapp’s interest in 19; for language
acquisition 75– 6
multi-competence 77, 127
multi-method approaches 65
Multilingual Matters 55, 56 ,69
multilingual processing 9, 90, 93– 4
multilingualism: attitudes to 77;
awareness of impact 32; deficiency
view of 61; and DST 43; Kramsch on

150 Index

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