pattern. In 2014, the Peace Corps started allowing applicants to specify which country or region they wanted to work in, and Chi ...
THE NEWYORKER, MARCH 16, 2020 39 of China. In response to the Senator’s pressure, Claborne, the head of the China program, recei ...
40 THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 given up the opportunity for social- security benefits in order to work for the American agency ...
THE NEWYORKER, MARCH 16, 2020 41 with closed systems. In the Washington Examiner, a conservative magazine, Tom Rogan celebra ...
42 THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 PERSONAL HISTORY M y grandfather worked four jobs. He was a fireman, a handyman, a substitute t ...
THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 43 anything waiting for us in the outer boroughs. It was like a slightly more grown-up version of ...
44 THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 Is there anything fashion can do to counter the erosion of public anonymity? ANNALS OFTECHNOLOG ...
THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 45 to confuse the algorithms that control surveillance systems: the cloak’s de- signer was an algo ...
“I think we just have time for one more quick question.” C.V.—are removed along the way, as pixels are distilled into features t ...
THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 47 fact that we have so many law enforce- ment agencies that are not complying with state law, inc ...
works,” Goldstein said. Researchers can’t understand exactly how the machine sees. “These are very complicated sys- tems,” he sa ...
THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 49 the form of passport and driver’s-license photos, and mug shots—the only large collections of f ...
50 THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 download symmetry-distorting looks from Harvey’s Web site, though he said that they probably wo ...
THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 51 “Back to work, boys. Those mysteries of the Trinity aren’t going to grapple with themselves.” • ...
52 THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 Jordan Wolfson is best known for his interactive animatronic sculptures: uncanny, I n a recent ...
THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 53 not-quite-human figures that act out the disorientation and the harshness of the Internet age. ...
54 THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 Zwirner told me. “If you’re annoyed, you’re not indifferent. The work ma nipulates me, so I’m ...
pocrisies in American culture have be- come contested territory in the arts. The Internet offers an endless variety of images, f ...
56 THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 high-end design stores selling chil- dren’s furniture and expensive bath- room appliances. By o ...
THENEWYORKER,MARCH16, 2020 57 the Ukrainian Institute after the open- ing. “I’m sure the dinner cost as much as we sold the a ...
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