The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
leadership 275–76, 287
letters of 155, 235, 299, 305, 309, 310,
314, 315
Pentecost 283
and the resurrection 270, 271, 273, 275
and the Transfiguration 234–35
walks on the water 233
washing of the feet 250 , 251
works and miracles 280, 284–86, 285 , 339
Pharisees 201, 207, 238, 240, 243, 287, 288,
291, 295, 338
Philip (Apostle) 202, 280, 289, 289
Philippians 201, 239, 264, 304–05
Philistia 105, 172
Philistines 94, 105–06, 107, 113, 114, 333, 334
Goliath 116–17
Israelites 85
Philistines 333
plagues of Egypt 64, 70–71, 70 , 72
poetry, Hebrew 141
polygamy 118
polytheism 28, 90, 91, 126
Pontius Pilate 231, 260–62, 263, 265
Potiphar 60
as confession 39
Lord’s Prayer 212–13, 213
origin of 38–39
petitionary prayer 38, 39
prayer in peril 39
silent prayer 39
prayer beads 38
predestination 35, 157
prodigal son 218–21, 219 , 220
Promised Land 46, 75
see also Canaan
false prophets 158, 170, 208
female prophets 77
first 115
Major Prophets 13, 137
Minor Prophets 13, 137, 166, 169, 172
“oral” prophets 156
speaking from God 309
“writing” prophets 156
see also individual index entries
proselytes 288
Protestantism 197, 212, 313
and Original Sin 34–35
and the Ten Commandments 83
Proverbs 136–37, 148–51, 221, 311
arrangement 149
authorship 149, 310
Eshet Hayil 151
instructions 150
maxims of the elder 149, 150
paradoxes 150
personified Wisdom 150, 151
poetry 141, 150, 151
sayings 150
Psalms 12–13, 46, 83, 136, 138–45, 167, 198,
221, 231, 263, 276

of Asaph 141
authors 143
collective praise 143
early sources 140–41
joyous 142–43
laments 141–42
Messianic prophecies 191, 245
poetry 141
Psalm 90 144–45
Psalms of David 141, 143, 264, 310
of Solomon 143
songs of creation 23, 24, 143, 144
purgatory 329, 329
Purim 132


Quakers 197
Quirinius 183
Qur’an 35, 61, 75, 122, 166, 211
creation story 29


Rachel 55, 56, 57
Rahab 99, 313, 313
rainbow 41, 173
Ramesses II 71
Raphael 162 , 234 , 270 , 285
ravens 124, 124
Rebekah 39, 54, 55, 332
Red Sea 64, 75–76, 75 , 76
Rehoboam 335
repentant thief 266–67
resurrection 177, 193, 196, 241, 268–71,
270 , 329
empty tomb 268–71, 269 , 272
Jesus’s appearances after 270–71, 272–73,
274–76, 275
power of 304–05
Reuben 39, 57, 59
Revelation 18, 25, 33, 49, 71, 199, 201, 276, 281
Last Judgment 316–21
New Jerusalem 281, 322–29, 324 , 328
Roman Catholic Church 203, 313
and the apocryphal texts 13, 310
Eucharist 252
and Original Sin 34
and the Ten Commandments 82–83
Roman centurion at crucifixion 263 , 264
Roman Empire 321, 324
census 182, 183
law and punishment 267
taxation 243

Romans, epistle to 34, 35, 157, 241, 297,
315, 329
Rosh Hashanah 53
Ruth 94, 108–09, 108 , 240


Sabbath 23, 80
Day of Preparation 262
Kiddush 151
sacraments 253
sacrificial offerings 52, 87, 102, 173
Abraham and Isaac 50–53
Cain and Abel 36–37
child sacrifice 52, 124, 171
Passover 72, 73
Temple 123, 184
St. Catherine’s Monastery, Egypt 68 , 69
Salome 195, 337
Samaria, Samaritans 109 , 133, 217, 261,
276, 289
Good Samaritan 216 –17, 216
woman at the well 337
Samson 14, 94, 95, 101, 104–07, 105 , 106 , 107
Samuel 59, 110 –15, 113 , 116, 117, 182, 184
anoints Saul 95, 114–15, 114
called by God 94, 113
Messianic prophecies 191
Samuel, books of 59, 95, 110–19, 225, 333, 334
David and Bathsheba 118 –19
David and Goliath 116 –17
Sanhedrin 238, 257, 260–61, 265, 285–86, 287,
288, 295
Sarah 39, 46–47, 46 , 50, 51, 51 , 52 , 55
Satan 303
Armageddon 320
Old Testament characteristics 147
temptation of Eve 32–33
temptation of Jesus 176, 196, 198–99, 311
tests Job 136, 146
Saul 97, 113, 114–15, 116, 117, 333–34
first king of Israel 95, 114–15, 114 , 333
jealousy of David 117, 334
Saul of Tarsus
conversion of 240, 280, 290–91, 291
persecution of Christians 288, 290
see also Paul
scapegoat 87
Sea of Galilee 200–201, 206 , 224, 229 , 232–33,
Sea Peoples 105
Second Coming 46, 217, 305
self-righteousness 118, 208, 221
Sennacherib, King 43, 131, 170
Septuagint 307, 310
Sermon on the Mount 176, 204 –13, 207 , 285
Beatitudes 206
Golden Rule 210 –11
Lord’s Prayer 212–13


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Servant Songs 154–55
Seth 39, 40
Seven Last Plagues 71
Shadrach 336
Shavuot 73, 109, 282
Sheba, Queen of 87, 122, 123
Shem 40, 332
Shema 65, 312
sheol 167
David as shepherd-king 143, 184
Jesus as shepherd 143, 256
Nativity 182, 184, 184
symbolism 67, 143
Shiloh 97, 112, 113
Shinar 42
see also Babylonia
shofar 53
Shulammite 152
Sicarii 255
Simeon (devout Jew) 182, 184–85, 192
Simeon (son of Jacob) 57
Simeon’s Song 192
Simon of Cyrene 262, 263
Simon Peter see Peter
Simon the Zealot (Apostle) 201, 202
sin 34
atonement for 155
forgiveness 267, 338
Original Sin 34–35
sinful cities 48–49
sins of commission 33
sins of omission 33
Sinai, Mount 67, 68, 80, 81, 82 , 96
Sisera 101
snakes 32, 33, 33 , 35, 68
Sodom and Gomorrah 18, 48–49, 49
Solomon 87, 118, 121 , 335
Book of Proverbs 149, 221, 310
dreams 59
Psalms 143
Solomon’s Temple 86, 95, 121–23,
123 , 245
Song of Songs 152
wisdom of Solomon 95, 120–23
Son of God 178, 179, 187, 188, 190,
192, 196, 198, 226, 227, 232, 233,
263, 264, 287
Son of Man 59, 155, 179, 235, 243,
254, 318, 319
Song of Deborah 101
Song of the Sea 76
Song of Songs 132, 137, 152–53, 297
Songs of Ascent 141
sons of Asaph 140
Sophia, St. 150
Stephen 288, 339
suffering 314
God 161
nature of 146–47
sin and 35
Suffering Servant 136, 154–55, 177, 289
Sukkot 73, 133, 245

Sumerians 41
Gadarene swine 224–25, 224
unclean 219
Synoptic Gospels 177, 221, 226
Synoptic problem 177
see also Luke; Mark; Matthew


Tabernacle 65, 86–87, 97, 121–22
Tabitha 286, 339
Tabor, Mount 234
Talmud 27, 82
Roman 243
tax collectors 201, 222, 242–43, 242 , 243 , 267
Temple (Jerusalem) 52, 163
Babylonian destruction of (586 BCE) 95, 123,
128, 130, 142, 245
cleansing of 244–45, 244
Herod’s renovation of 245, 251, 251
Jesus’s presentation in 184
Jesus teaches in 188 , 188
Roman destruction of (70 CE) 73, 243
Second Temple 140, 173, 251
Solomon’s Temple 86, 95, 121–23, 123 , 245
temple tax 222
temple worship 141, 142
Temple of Artemis, Ephesus 303
Ten Commandments 37, 64–65, 67, 78–83, 84,
85, 87, 96, 118, 122, 207, 262
Ten Lost Tribes of Israel 129
tetragrammaton 163
Thaddaeus (Apostle) 101
theocracy 114
theodicy 146
theological fatalism 33
theophany 69
Thessalonians 241, 320, 321, 326, 329
Thomas (Apostle) 193, 202, 271
Thutmose III 64, 71
Tiamat 22, 22
Tigris River 26, 41
Timothy 308, 309
Timothy, letters to 35, 202, 280, 308–11
tongues, gift of 282–83, 297
Torah 18, 53, 75, 82, 109, 282, 283, 312
authorship 18
Tower of Babel 18, 42–43, 43
Transfiguration 177, 196, 234–35, 234
transubstantiation 252
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 26, 27,
28, 32, 55
Tree of Life 26, 28, 33, 245, 276
Trinity see Holy Trinity
Turin Shroud 269
Twelve Prophets see prophets—Minor Prophets
Twelve Tribes of Israel 57, 57 , 87, 159


uncleanliness 124, 163, 184, 217, 219, 225, 242,
260, 315, 339
Ur, Great Ziggurat of 43, 43
Uriah the Hittite 118, 119


vineyards 152, 264, 334–35, 339
Virgin of Guadalupe 179
Ezekiel 137, 162–63
Samuel 59
see also dreams and interpretations;


Weeping Prophet see Jeremiah
Whore of Babylon 318
Elijah in 124 , 124
Hagar and Ishmael in 39
Israelites in 65, 76–77, 81, 86–87, 88, 230,
238, 241
Jesus in 196, 198–99
of Solomon 95, 120–23
wisdom literature 136–37, 149
see also Proverbs
Witch of Endor 334
the Word 25, 151, 190–91, 193


Yahweh 38–39, 68, 90, 147, 163 , 235
Yom Kippur 87, 123, 167
Zacchaeus the tax collector 242–43, 242
Zadok 120, 123, 335
Zealots 202, 255
Zechariah (father of John the Baptist) 85, 195
Zechariah (prophet) 169, 245, 256, 263
Zedekiah 128, 129, 130, 158, 158
Zephaniah 137, 169, 172, 185
ziggurats 42, 43, 43


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