The Movie Book
REBEL REBEL 219 the hiring of Polanski, renowned for the psychological thrillers Repulsion (1965) and Rosemary’s Baby (1968). Po ...
220 CHINATOWN An audience familiar with the roles of femmes fatales in earlier noir movies would naturally assume the same. But ...
REBEL REBEL 221 It also concerns the whole notion of male control. At one point, Gittes asks Cross why he feels the need to be r ...
222 AND WE’LL BUY OURSELVES A LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN ALI: FEAR EATS THE SOUL / 1974 R ainer Werner Fassbinder’s Ali: Fear Eats t ...
REBEL REBEL 223 In his movies, Fassbinder presented to German society an uncompromising portrayal of its flaws. While Emmi and A ...
A N G E L S MONSTE 19 7 5 –1991 ...
AND RS ...
226 A fter the major upheavals of the Swinging Sixties, the 1970s saw a different kind of revolution unfold. For all the tremors ...
227 a story that inspired equal dread with its wispy account of missing schoolgirls in the outback of 1900. Meanwhile, in an ind ...
228 The shark’s first victim is lone skinny-dipper Chrissie (Susan Backlinie). The attacker is all the more terrifying for being ...
ANGELS AND MONSTERS 229 This was not a boat accident. Hooper / Jaws It’s a theme-park moment—the shark is clearly mechanical, a ...
230 JAWS Steven Spielberg Director Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1946, Steven Spielberg has been a household name for four decade ...
ANGELS AND MONSTERS 231 The movie’s poster is one of the most iconic designed for any movie. As with most Spielberg movies there ...
232 THERE’S SOME QUESTIONS GOT ANSWERS AND SOME HAVEN’T PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK / 1975 P icnic at Hanging Rock opens with a capti ...
ANGELS AND MONSTERS 233 Irma, Marion, and Miranda share an eerily idyllic moment just before they set off to climb Hanging Rock. ...
236 TAXI DRIVER 00:19 Travis enters the campaign office of Senator Palatine to volunteer, as an excuse to talk to his aide Betsy ...
ANGELS AND MONSTERS 237 he has lost his faith in the country that he was fighting for. Even his ability to sleep has deserted hi ...
238 TAXI DRIVER on a journey through the underworld. The car rolls across the screen, slowly, as though pulling up and asking th ...
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