The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


and Sebastian can do any harm.
Elsewhere, Caliban meets the
drunken Stefano and Trinculo
and believes they are gods.
Prospero enslaves Ferdinand
and makes him carry logs, which
he does willingly out of love for
Miranda. Ferdinand and Miranda
pledge to marry. Caliban tells
Stefano and Trinculo how he is
Prospero’s slave, but will be theirs,
and Stefano may have Miranda,
if they help him kill Prospero.
Ariel gets them all to argue by
impersonating each. He conjures up
a magical banquet for Alonso and

company to the sound of music, but
before they can eat, he condemns
Antonio for usurping his brother.
Prospero admits he was merely
testing Ferdinand, and gives his
blessing to the marriage. He
conjures a magical masque to
celebrate with song and dancing
nymphs. Suddenly remembering
that Stefano, Trinculo, and Caliban
are plotting to kill him, Prospero
halts the masque and orders
Ferdinand and Miranda to hide.
Stefano and Trinculo are lured by
Prospero’s magical robes, then
chased off in terror by spirits



3.1 3.3 4.1

3.2 4.1 5.1

Elsewhere, Caliban
meets Stefano
and Trinculo and
offers to serve them
in order to escape

Ferdinand is willingly
enslaved to Prospero
for love of Miranda.

At a magical banquet,
Ariel condemns Antonio
for deposing Prospero.

Ariel confuses
and terrifies Stefano
and Trinculo.

Caliban plots with Stefano
and Trinculo to murder
Prospero so that Stefano can
have Miranda.

Prospero admits that
the tasks he set
Ferdinand were
simply to test his
love, and now blesses
his marriage to

Prospero reveals his identity
and shows off Ferdinand and
Miranda as a couple in love.


All are forgiven by
Prospero; he renounces
his magic and Ariel and
Caliban are released.

Act 3 Act 4 Act 5

transformed into dogs. As Prospero
dons his magic regalia, Ariel tells
him that Alonso and his court are
full of remorse. Moved by Ariel’s
gentleness, Prospero decides to
forgive. He traps them all in a
magic circle, explains his true
identity, and then reveals, to
their amazement, Miranda and
Ferdinand playing chess. Stefano,
Trinculo, and Caliban are forgiven,
too. As they all take ship to Naples
for the wedding, Prospero frees
Ariel and renounces his magic, and
then asks the audience to set him
free by clapping their hands. ❯❯
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