PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS } function getRequest() { return $this->request; } } This class uses some of the tools that ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS Here is the view associated with the AddVenueController class: <?php require_once( "woo/base ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS Figure 12–9. A Page Controller class hierarchy and its include relationships Consequences This ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS As a rule of thumb, if I estimate a system should take me less than a week or so to complete, a ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS Here is a simple View Helper class: namespace woo\view; class VH { static function getRequest() ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS objects will not have been made available. Check back to the Controller class to see where the ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS and feedback messages composed. Business logic is about doing the stuff that needs doing—the tr ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS ) CREATE TABLE 'space' ( 'id' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, 'venue' int(11) default NULL, 'n ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS abstract class Base { static $DB; static $stmts = array(); function __construct() { $dsn = \woo ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS values(? )"; static $add_space = "INSERT INTO space ( name, venue ) values( ?,? )"; static $che ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS if ( $result = $stmt->fetch() ) { throw new \woo\base\AppException( "double booked! try agai ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS can create Space and Event classes. Booking an event in a space can then become as simple as a ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS source of problems. If you’re not careful, you can end up modeling the database, rather than th ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS $this->spaces->add( $space ); $space->setVenue( $this ); } function setName( $name_s ) ...
CHAPTER 12 ■ ENTERPRISE PATTERNS This separation between Domain Model and the data layer comes at a considerable cost in terms o ...
C H A P T E R 13 ■ ■ ■ Database Patterns Most web applications of any complexity handle persistence to a greater or lesser exten ...
CHAPTER 13 ■ DATABASE PATTERNS match, as it generates data transfer objects, but since such objects are designed to become the r ...
CHAPTER 13 ■ DATABASE PATTERNS In fact, since the Space objects are effectively subordinate to Venue objects, it may be possible ...
CHAPTER 13 ■ DATABASE PATTERNS The constructor method uses an ApplicationRegistry to get a DSN for use with the PDO extension. A ...
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