PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)
■ CONTENTS xix Acknowledgments When you first have an idea for a book (in my case, while drinking good coffee in a Brighton cafe ...
■ CONTENTS xx Introduction to the Third Edition When I first had the idea for PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice, I felt I was ...
P A R T 1 ■ ■ ■ Introduction ...
■Chapter 1: PHP: Design and Management ....................................................................................... ...
C H A P T E R 1 ■ ■ ■ PHP: Design and Management When PHP 5 was released early in 2004, among the most important features it int ...
CHAPTER 1 ■ PHP: DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT configuration changes the migration requires. The estimated two hours becomes eight as it ...
CHAPTER 1 ■ PHP: DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT The Java language itself deployed many core patterns in its API, but it wasn’t until the ...
CHAPTER 1 ■ PHP: DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT classic Gang of Four book). Finally, I move beyond the strict limits of code to look at t ...
CHAPTER 1 ■ PHP: DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT While I’m on the topic of PEAR, I look at the installation mechanism that makes the deplo ...
CHAPTER 1 ■ PHP: DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT software components, or end products, to form an elegant whole. The process of version co ...
P A R T 2 ■ ■ ■ Objects ...
C H A P T E R 2 ■ ■ ■ PHP and Objects Objects were not always a key part of the PHP project. In fact, they have been described a ...
■Chapter 2: PHP and Objects .................................................................................................... ...
CHAPTER 2 ■ PHP AND OBJECTS Although this worked fine, it was easy to forget to add the ampersand, and it was all too easy for b ...
CHAPTER 2 ■ PHP AND OBJECTS Into the Future As I write this, PHP 6 is still some way off, but it is under active development. It ...
C H A P T E R 3 ■ ■ ■ Object Basics Objects and classes lie at the heart of this book, and since the introduction of PHP 5, they ...
CHAPTER 3 ■ OBJECT BASICS The ShopProduct class in the example is already a legal class, although it is not terribly useful yet. ...
CHAPTER 3 ■ OBJECT BASICS In order to make these objects more interesting, I can amend the ShopProduct class to support special ...
CHAPTER 3 ■ OBJECT BASICS You can access property variables on an object-by-object basis using the characters '->' in conjunc ...
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