The following immunisations are recommended for long-term travellers (more than
one month) or those at particular risk:
Japanese B encephalitis, Meningitis, Rabies and Tuberculosis (TB)
I’m no medical expert, but best follow the above ideas as we don’t want to be sick;
we want to cycle.
Natural Disasters in Colombia
Colombia is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Andean Volcanic Belt due to the
collision of the South American Plate and the Nazca Plate. This produces an
increased risk of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. As a result, earthquakes occur
regularly in Colombia.
There is a risk of floods and landslides after heavy rains throughout the Colombian
Andes. Seek local advice before travelling on mountain roads after heavy rain in the
rainy seasons of April to May and October to November. If you’re planning to visit
areas of known volcanic activity, pay careful attention to all warnings and follow the
advice of the local authorities.
Do’s and Dont’s
Make friends, as Colombian people are naturally friendly and welcoming and can
help you get to know your new environment.
Be polite; Columbians are known for having good manners and being very polite.
Generally, they value decency and good behaviour.
Try and speak at least a little bit of Spanish. Speaking the local lingo will make
people open up to you much more, even if it's just a few words.
Check about safety. Before venturing off the tried-and-trodden path, although many
countryside areas within the country are perfectly safe, some places are best
avoided. It is wise to check beforehand to avoid putting yourself in unwanted and
risky situations.
Carry small change. Many smaller vendors and public transportation options will be
unable to change notes. So plan and make sure you have a decent stash of coins.
This also prevents you from having to flash the cash too much in public, which is
never a good idea in most new places as a visitor.
Check your money. Counterfeit notes can be something of a problem in Colombia.
Therefore, please familiarise yourself with the currency and check that all notes are
genuine before accepting them.