The Spartan Regime_ Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy - Paul Anthony Rahe

(Dana P.) #1

202 Index of Subjects

magistracies within Lacedaemon (cont.)
annual declaration of war on
helots, use of young men
undergoing krupteía (period
of concealment), 49, 169
board of five, 48
broad judicial powers, 49–50,
calendar, managed by, 49, 169
calls up army, 49, 169
common assembly, ephors
summon and preside, 48, 168
compared with Roman tribunes,
48, 168
conducts dokımasía (scrutiny), 23,
49, 156
conducts eúthuna (giving of
accounts), 48, 50, 168–69
exchange of oaths with the kings
each month, 50, 170
filled by procedure akin to lottery,
51–52, 60, 102, 118, 170, 184
foreign policy: ephors receive
embassies, negotiate treaties,
appoint generals, 49, 169
grand jury and service on jury in
capital cases, 50–51, 54, 60,
harmosts, ephors appoint, 49, 169
hıppagrétaı (select and command
hıppeîs, royal bodyguard),
ephors appoint, 49, 157–58,
iteration in office almost certainly
prohibited, 48, 51, 168
kings court, 51, 170
list of ephors eponymous, 100, 184
little assembly, ephors summon,
preside, propose measures,
48–49, 168
nonentities chosen, 52–53, 102,
170, 184
oversight and enforcement of the
law, 49–50, 169–70
Polydorus’ image on seal of office,
104, 185
regulates visits to Lacedaemon and
travel abroad, 49, 168–69
reshaped by tribal reform, 103–4,
sale and distribution of booty, 49,
seated in presence of kings, 50,

two members accompany kings on
campaign to observe and
advise, 50, 169
unchecked, quasi-tyrannical
power, 1, 48–49, 51, 170
gerousía (council of elders), 41, 48–50,
53–61, 89, 101–2, 117, 165,
168–69, 171, 184, 188, 190
age, wealth, stature make force for
caution and conservatism,
54–60, 171
direct election for life, canvassing,
54–55, 171
form jury with ephors for capital
cases, 50, 54, 60, 169, 171
function as augurs, 54, 171
guardian of the constitution, check
on assembly, 54, 171
minimum age sixty, 54, 171
prestige, 53–54, 171
priestly caste, 54, 171
probouleutic functions, 54, 61
selected from nobility, 53–54,
60–61, 89, 171
twenty-eight elected receive “prize
allotted to virtue,” 54, 171
harmosts (garrison commanders), 3,
49, 157, 169
hıppagrétaı (select and command
hıppeîs, royal bodyguard), 25,
157–58, 169
mnōıonómoı (overseers of the helots),
113–14, 187
paıdonómos (master of the boys), 25
Mantineia, first battle of, 130, 133
mercenaries in Greek warfare, 87, 91, 163, 180
mores and manners of the Spartans, 1–63,
agonistic ethos, 23–30, 40–41, 51–53
aıdṓs (reverence, awe), 13, 25, 30, 52,
aversion to commerce, 8–9, 45, 122,
bachelors, harsh treatment of, 26, 158
breeding of horses, 10–11, 89, 122,
149, 151
children, treatment of, 10, 13–30, 150
reared as wild animals, 62
cloaks of purple, 23, 155–56
conduct and situation of women, 10,
15, 18–19, 25–27, 30–31, 35,
46–47, 79, 90, 117–18, 131, 134,
149–50, 158–62, 167, 170, 187,
189, 192
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