Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

  • Does the company disclose methods of asset

  • Doesthecompanydiscloseinformationonitsmethod
    of fixed assets depreciation?

  • Does the company produce consolidated financial

Related Party Structure and Transactions

  • Doesthecompanyprovidealistofaffiliatesinwhich
    it holds a minority stake?

  • Doesthecompanydisclosetheownership structure
    of affiliates?

  • Is there a list/register of related party transactions?

  • Is there a list/register of group transactions?

Information on Auditors

  • Doesthecompanydisclosethenameofitsauditing

  • Does the company reproduce the auditors’ report?

  • Doesthecompanydisclosehowmuchitpaysinaudit
    fees to the auditor?

  • Doesthecompanydiscloseanynon-auditfeespaidto
    the auditor?

Board Structure and Process

Board Structure and Composition

  • Is there a chairman listed?

  • Doesthecompanyprovidedetailsaboutthechairman
    (other than name/title)?

  • Is there a list of board members (names)?

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