Barron\'s 03.16.2020

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

M12 BARRON’S March 16, 2020

Market View


A Helping Hand for Business

Economic Alert

byStandard Chartered

March 13:The corner grocer may face an

activity disruption because both supply

and demand fall. If the business was viable

on Feb. 1 before the crisis hit, it will likely

be viable on July 1, when the disease is

likely to be losing strength. The rebound

from the activity disruption will be faster

if the store does not permanently close.

There is a debate over whether the owner

should take all, some or none of the hit

from the activity shortfall; but from an

economic viewpoint, a shutdown runs the

risk of extending the damage from the dis-

ease well beyond the necessary period.

We suspect that the Fed and the Trea-

sury are coming to realize that the most im-

portant policy to ease the crisis is to ensure

that cheap credit is made available to viable

firms in the private sector. The ECB already

does this to a limited degree via TLTROs

(targeted longer-term refinancing opera-

tions), but there has been some debate over

how much credit ends up with firms. The

Fed may need to do the same on a larger

scale, although possibly for a much shorter

period and with more emphasis on ensuring

that credit reaches the private sector.

Equivalently, the Fed could take Trea-

sury yields so low that fiscal measures

could be used to keep the private sector

afloat for a few months, for example by

providing ultra-low-rate small business

loans. Either way, the intention is that

credit reaches businesses and households

during a period when banks may be incen-

tivised to cut back on credit extension.


Panic Selling Slams Gold

Gold & Silver Stock Report

byClif Droke Market Analysis

March 13:Gold has always been one of the

last bastions of strength in a world beset

by serious economic growth-related wor-

ries and geopolitical problems. But even

gold isn’t completely immune to the all-too-

human tendency to panic from time to

time. That was plainly evident on March

12 when gold prices plummeted in re-

sponse to the U.S. stock market’s biggest

one-day drop since the October 1987

crash. [Gold fell again Friday, losing about

$61 an ounce, or 3.8%.]

In the mad dash to raise cash, some-

times even the safest of safe-haven assets

get liquidated. During the worst part of

the 2008 credit crash, gold was similarly

subject to liquidation pressure. Yet the

2008 experience is also instructive in tell-

ing us what is likely to be the outcome af-

ter the panic related to the coronavirus

pandemic eventually subsides. At the

depths of the 2008 crash during October

and November of that year, gold prices be-

gan stabilizing even as the S&P 500 Index

(SPX) was still declining.


Assessing the REIT Landscape

U.S. Sectors

byNDR Ned Davis Research

March 12:Real estate has the lowest beta

and second-highest dividend yield (3.5%) of

all [S&P 500] sectors. Investors should be

cautious within REITs, however, as hotel

and resort REITs, retail REITs, and office

REITs should be negatively impacted by

social distancing. Industrial REITs could

also see stress if we have a prolonged global

economic recession. Residential and health-

care REITs look like safer places to be.


Second-Half Rebound?

lobal Research

byJ.P. Morgan

March 11:The global recession risks re-

main elevated, but we do expect double-

digit gains in China’s GDP growth in

2Q20, although Western Europe’s GDP

growth will contract by 3.2% in the same

quarter. The policy response is building

and broadening quickly, and policymakers

are showing greater creativity in address-

ing the unique nature of COVID-19

shocks and the constraints posed by the

effective lower bound on [developed-mar-

ket] central bank-policy rates...In total, we

forecast 75-100 basis points in cumulative

monetary easing ahead, alongside liquidity

provision in the form of targeted credit

and fiscal support for the parts of the

economy most badly hit by COVID-19.

Stress will be greater on small and me-

dium-sized enterprises and the energy

sector. As the peak of the virus fades in

May/June, we expect a synchronized re-

bound in 2H20.


Room for Fiscal Stimulus

Special Commentary

byWells Fargo Securities

March 11:Financial markets have begun

to assess the prospects for a fiscal stimu-

lus in the United States as conventional

monetary policy approaches its limit.

There is a common perception, however,

that fiscal capacity in the U.S. is equally

as limited. Is this true? In our view, the

answer is mostly no.

The U.S. currently has the fiscal ca-

pacity to implement a large-scale fiscal

stimulus, should it choose to do so. Admit-

tedly, the federal fiscal outlook is bleaker

than it was prior to the last recession. The

federal budget deficit was just 1.1% of

GDP in 2007, compared to 4.6% in 2019,

and the stock of debt has more than dou-

bled as a share of GDP over this period.

But just because budget deficits and

debt are historically high, that doesn’t

mean that there is no capacity for addi-

tional stimulus. Despite this rising debt

burden, the federal government’s interest

costs as a share of GDP are historically

low and right around the levels that pre-

vailed in 2007. Furthermore, these data are

as of Q4-2019, before Treasury yields

plunged by more than 100 basis points [one

percentage point] across the curve. At

present, real interest rates on federal gov-

ernment debt, as implied by yields on

Treasury Inflation-Protected securities

(TIPs), are firmly in negative territory for

the first time since 2013. This implies that

the U.S. federal government could borrow

$1,000 today and pay back less than $1,000

10 years from now, after adjusting for in-

flation. This suggests that the federal gov-

ernment can, at least for the time being,

quite easily service both its existing debt

and some new debt, should it so choose.


Cheaper Gas = A $1.4B Tax Cut

Cumberland Advisors Market Commentary

byCumberland Advisors

March 10:The Saudi-Russia price war

means OPEC disarray and a lower oil

price for the U.S.

The Energy Information Administra-

tion (EIA) reports: “In 2019, about 142.23

billion gallons (or about 3.39 billion bar-

rels) of finished motor gasoline were con-

sumed in the United States, an average of

about 389.68 million gallons (or about 9.28

million barrels) per day.”

Let’s look at the impact of a price

change. If the Saudi-Russia oil-price war

lasts a year, for the American economy ev-

ery penny per gallon that the gas price de-

clines will be equivalent to a $1.4 billion

consumption tax cut for the American econ-

omy. Estimates of the likely gasoline price

change now range from a 30 to 40 cents per

gallon cut to a 70 to 80 cents per gallon cut.

No one estimates the price will rise.


To be considered for this section, material,

with the author’s name and address, should

be sent to [email protected].

”We suspect that the Fed and the Treasury are coming to realize that the most important policy to

ease the crisis is to ensure that cheap credit is made available to viable firms in the private sector.”

—STEVEENGLANDER, Standard Chartered












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