
(Ooja) #1

Are they smiling? Are they nodding? Are their palms up? They like
what theyre hearing.
Are they frowning? Are they looking away? Are their knucles
clenched? Maybe they dont.
Are they rubbing their necks? Are they stepping back? Are their feet
pointing toward the door? Maybe they want to get away. You dont need a
complete course in body language here. Already your lifes experience has
given you a good grounding in that. Most people know if their conversation
partners step back or look away, theyre not interested in what youre saying.
When they think youre a pain in the neck they rub theirs. When they feel
superior to you, they steeple their hands. Well explore more body-
language specifics in Technique #77:
Eyeball Selling. For the moment, all you need to do is tune to the silent
channel being broadcast by the speaker.
You now have eight techniques to help you come across as a confident,
credible, and charismatic person who makes everyone he or she comes in
contact with feel like a million. Lets explore one last technique in this
section to put it all together and make sure you dont miss a beat.
Technique #8
Hanss Horse Sense
Make it a habit to get on a dual track while talking. Express yourself,
but keep a keen eye on how your listener is reacting to what youre saying.
Then plan your moves accordingly.
If a horse can do it, so can a human. People will say you pick up on
everything. You never miss a trick. Youve got horse sense.
How to Make Sure You Dont Miss a Single Beat
Youve seen professional skiing on television? The athlete at the top of
the piste, every muscle primed and poised, waiting for the gun to propel
him to ultimate victory. Look deeply into his eyes and youll see he is having
an out-of-body experience. In his minds eye, the skier is swooshing down
the slope, zapping back and forth between the poles, and sliding across the
finish line in faster time than the world thought possible. The athlete is
All athletes do it: divers, runners, jumpers, javelin throwers, lugers,
swimmers, skaters, acrobats. They visualize their magic before performing
it. They see their own bodies bending, twising, flipping, or flying through
the air. They hear the sound of the wind, the splash in the water, the whirr of

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