The Science Book

(Elle) #1


without end or beginning, and the
prospect of a distinct point of origin
(especially when proposed by a
Catholic priest) was seen as
introducing an unnecessary
religious element into cosmology.
However, Hubble’s observations
were undeniable, and some kind of
model was needed to explain the
expanding universe. Numerous
theories were put forward in the
1930s, but by the late 1940s, just
two remained in play—Lemaître’s
primeval atom, and the rival
“steady state” model, in which
matter was continuously created
as the universe expanded. British
astronomer Fred Hoyle was the
champion of the steady state idea.

In 1949, Hoyle scornfully referred
to the rival theory as a “Big Bang.”
The name stuck.

Making the elements
By the time Hoyle had inadvertently
named the theory, a persuasive
piece of evidence in favor of
Lemaître’s hypothesis had been
published, tipping the balance


Tiny variations have been found in
the cosmic microwave background
radiation—the different colors in this
image show temperature differences
of less than 400 millionths of a Kelvin.

away from a steady state universe.
This was a 1948 paper written by
Ralph Alpher and George Gamow
of the Johns Hopkins University
in the US. It was called The Origin
of Chemical Elements, and
described in detail how subatomic
particles and lightweight chemical
elements could have been produced
from the raw energy of the Big
Bang, in accordance with
Einstein’s equation E = mc^2. But
this theory, later known as Big
Bang nucleosynthesis, explained a
process that could form only the
four lightest elements—hydrogen,
helium, lithium, and beryllium.
Only later was it discovered that
the heavier elements of the
universe are the product of stellar
nucleosynthesis (a process that
takes place inside stars). Ironically,
the evidence showing how stellar
nucleosynthesis worked was to be
developed by Fred Hoyle.
Nevertheless, there was still
no direct observational evidence
to determine the truth of either
the Big Bang or a steady state
universe. Early attempts to test
the theories were made in the
1950s using a basic radio telescope
known as the Cambridge
Interferometer. These tests relied
on a simple principle: if the steady
state theory was true, then the

The radius of space began at zero.

Lemaître theorizes that the universe began with a
“primeval atom,” a theory later dubbed the “Big Bang.”

General relativity leads
Lemaître to predict that
the universe is expanding.

Hubble demonstrates
cosmic expansion.

The discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation
(CMBR) confirms the Big Bang theory.
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