Recurrent word-combinations in contrast 189
Table 7. Norwegian correspondences (translations and sources) of all the same
(English fiction)^1819
Norwegian correspondence Norwegian translation Norwegian original / source
likevel/allikevel 6 30
for det ‘for that’ 2
other 718 519
Total 13 37
Both Tables 6 and 7 show that the typical Norwegian source of the two English
three-word combinations is a single-word adverb, viz. helt and likevel (and their
variant forms heilt and allikevel). In addition, Table 6 reveals that the most com-
mon Norwegian translation of all the way is the congruent construction hele
veien – with 10 occurrences – rather than the adverb helt.
Table 7 shows that the pattern for all the same is slightly different, where likevel
is the most commonly used single correspondence in both directions (i.e. transla-
tion and source).
A particularly interesting finding is the apparently different uses of all the way
in original and translated texts and how the same unit seems to systematically cor-
respond to either the clearly locational-direction/distance sense hele veien or the
potentially more figurative sense helt depending on the direction of translation.
This will be explored further in what follows.
If we start by comparing the clearly locational-direction/distance use of all the
way with its Norwegian correspondences, we have already noticed the discrep-
ancy in frequency between original vs. translated text (cf. Table 6). A congruent
locational translation can be found in 10 of the 17 occurrences, while a congruent
locational source is only found in three (including hele veien and hele kjøreturen,
lit. ‘the whole driving trip’) of the 49 occurrences.
This seems to point to a difference in opaqueness of the cognate expressions
all the way and hele veien, where only the English unit has taken on a more opaque
meaning; hele veien is not used as the source of the more opaque meaning of all
the way in the ENPC material. Norwegian helt with its dictionary definition ‘com-
pletely’ (cf. Bokmålsordboka), on the other hand, quite clearly extends into the
locational-direction meaning of hele veien, as in Example (17).
- Including literal uses such as med alle de samme menneskene til stede ‘with all the same
people there’ (4), zero correspondence (1), men (1) ‘but’, men likevel (1) ‘but all the same’. - Including one instance of literal use, likegyldig ‘unimportant’, like fullt ’even so’, forresten
‘anyway’, like godt ‘just as well’.