Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

Index 275
genotype-phenotype correlations
in 261–2; heterogeneity of 256–7,
259; molecular analysis of 260;
neuroimaging techniques applied to
260; phenocopy in 258; prevalence of
265; typologies of 260–1; variability
of 256–7, 259, 264
language of communication 198,
200, 201, 208; see also language of
language of thought 198, 200, 201,
Lenneberg, E. 153–4, 158–9, 163, 165,
229, 245
Levy, R. 87–91
lexicon 34–5, 44n28
Linguistic Niche Hypothesis 165
linguistic phenotype 154, 164
LoC see language of communication
locality 86–91
lone mutant 142
LoT see language of thought
Lunadong 191

magical number four 105, 110
Marantz, A. 199
Mayr, E. 155
McElree, B. 110, 120–1
mechanical philosophy 174–6, 179, 181
mechanism 174, 179–80
memory: declarative 112–14; long-term
104–5, 110–14, 116–19; procedural
112–14, 121; short-term 103–5,
108–12, 120; see also working
Merge 2–3, 10–15, 19–21, 23, 25,
30–1, 33–5, 40–1, 43–4n28, 47–52,
54–5, 69, 71, 115–22, 142–3;
domain-general 225; domain-specifi c
225; motor control origin of 149; see
also External Merge; Internal Merge
Merge-only: evolution 149; hypothesis
150, 189–90
Merge 0 see 0-Merge
Merge 0 ◦Search 0 31–41
mildly context-sensitive grammar 119
minimalist program 69, 189
minimality 38–41
minimal search 70–1, 78, 132–5
modern synthesis 150, 155, 162
modularity of language 263
Mohawk 52–3
Morgan, C. L. 146; see also Morgan’s

Morgan’s Canon 147
Moro, A. 25, 25n5, 221
mother 36–7
Multiple Demand network 108–9,
112–14, 121
multiple occurrences of identical case
53, 55
Musso, M. 221
mutation rate 192
M 0 ◦S 0 see Merge 0 ◦Search 0

narrow syntax 209n5; see also broad
nativism 162
negative inversion 222
Newtonian dynamics 175–6
nominative-genitive conversion (NGC)
56–7, 59–61, 63n11
non-local dependency 119–20
No-tampering Condition (NTC) 14
novelty 154–6, 159, 164

Oberauer, K. 116
Occam’s razor 129
occurrence 35–7
Oman 190
oscillation 232, 241; see also cognitive
oscillopathy 241; language disorders as
Out-of-Africa dispersal 190

parameter 128–9, 131
patient 204–5
penetrance of mutations in language
genes 258
Pesetsky, D. 199
phase 48–9, 54–7
phenotype 155, 159–60, 162, 164
phenotypic: plasticity 162–3; space 164
φ-feature 12, 17, 19, 21–4, 26n6, 26n7,
Phillips, C. 119
philosophical grammar 176–7
phonological loop 103, 105, 109
Pinker, S. 158, 198
Poeppel, D. 114–15, 163
polymorphisms of language genes 258
predicate-internal subject hypothesis
70–1, 78–9
prefrontal cortex 108–9, 112–13, 121
prefrontal-thalamic-basal ganglia
network 112, 121
principle of gradation 224
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