4 Know that you have
value, independent
of goals and
Regardless of
your goals and
achievements, know
that you have value
beyond them. Your
worth is not defined
by how many career
milestones you reach,
or what checkpoints
you get to tick off the
fastest. You, as you
are right here and
right now, are worthy
of love, respect, and
dignity, and no goal
can ever mess with
3 Filter your social media
Research has shown how
social media can negatively
impact our mental
health, but we’re still not
great at cultivating an online
environment that actually
makes us feel good about
ourselves. We fill our feeds with
people whose lives we wish we
had. These serve as a reminder
of what we don’t have, or what
we haven’t done, keeping our
minds occupied by issues
outside of the present.
The best thing you can do
is filter your social media
feed to include only accounts
that celebrate the seemingly
uneventful and unmonumental,
the mundanity of just living
life each day as it comes. Soon
you’ll start to see that the
process of day-to-day living is
actually rather spectacular.