6 kill outlook
C 6 koillsr ene (^) esdRedil ltos perform well in key, stable roles within the company (share of organizations surveyed)
Skills, knowledge and abilities $ttitudes
2 2 2
ECONOMY G/ 2 %$/
Cognitive skills^25 %
Engagement skills^7 %
Management skills^14 %
Physical abilities^3 %
Technology skills^16 %
Ethics^2 %
Self-eĴcacy^21 %
Working with others^12 %
(^96) keillss mRoilslti pnrigor (^) itsizeRdil flo fr orecskuillisng and upskilling in the next ıve years (share of organizations surveyed)
Skills, knowledge and abilities $ttitudes Global average
Analytical thinking^59 %
AI and big data^53 %
Leadership and social inIJuence^53 %
Curiosity and lifelong learning^29 %
Resilience, IJexibility and agility^29 %
Programming^24 %
4 uality control^24 %
Technological literacy^24 %
Creative thinking^18 %
Design and user experience^18 %
Empathy and active listening^18 %
:R 6 killis lrle sTutiaredb iblyit thye workforce that are expected to remain the same (share of all skills
Global %
T 3 rreafeirnreidn sgou (^) rfcuesn odf ifunngding for training, upskilling and reskilling efforts (share of organizations surveyed)
Co-funding across the industry 40 % 16 %
Free-of-cost training 40 % 28 %
Funded by government 25 % 22 %
Funded by my organi]ation 100 % 87 %
Public-private hybrid funding 25 % 24 %
:orkIorce strateJ\ outlook
T(xapelectnedt cohuantgleo oin Rtal (^) einnt (^) availability, development and retention in the next ıve years (share of organizations
,mproving :orsening Global average Global average
Talent availability when hiring
43 % -^100 % +^100 % 24 %
Talent development of existing workforce
5 % -^100 % +^100 % 67 %
Talent retention of existing workforce
24 % -^100 % +^100 % 43 %
)Toup psriacneticesss w pithr athec gtriceateess (^) t tpoot (^) einmtialp troo imvpero tvea tlaleennt tav aaivlabaiillitay (bshilaritey of organizations surveyed)
ECONOMY G/ 2 %$/
. Improve talent progression and promotion processes^52 %
. Oijer higher wages^38 %
. Provide eijective reskilling and upskilling^33 %
. Improve people-and-culture metrics and reporting^29 %
. Better articulate business purpose and impact^24 %
. Improve internal-communication strategy^24 %
. Mproogreram^ divmeressity,^ eTuity^ and^ inclusion^ policies^ and^24 %
. Support employee health and well-being^19 %
. Improve working hours and overtime^14 %
. Oijer more remote work across national borders^14 %
K0oesyt c comommonp coomnpeonntenst (^) so off '+(,, p (^0) ro pgrramogmersa m(sharmee osf organizations surveyed)
ECONOMY G/ 2 %$/
. Run comprehensive DEI training for managers^55 %
. Evinrtabuall es^ ipnacesclusion^ and^ accessibility^ across^ physical^ and^40 %
. Run comprehensive DEI training for staij^40 %
. SreeTt^ uDireEmI^ geonaltss,^ targets^ or^ Tuotas^ that^ exceed^ public^40 %
. Ecmhaibned^ DEI^ goals^ and^ solutions^ across^ the^ supply^35 %
:h(sharaer oef oorgfan cizoatimonps asunrvieeysed (^) )^ith +, 0 7 rograms %
Global %
Economy Profile / 2
Working Age Population (Millions)