

a. b. Accommodation, Food and Leisure Agriculture and Natural Resources
c. d. Automotive and AerospaceCare, Personal Services and Wellbeing
e. f. Education and trainingEnergy and Materials

g. h. Financial ServicesGovernment and public sector
i. j. Health and healthcareInformation Technology and Digital Communications
k. l. ManufacturingInfrastructure

m. n. Non-governmental and Membership OrganisationsMedia, Entertainment and Sports
o. p. Professional ServicesReal estate
q. r. Supply chain and transportationRetail and wholesale of consumer goods

World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs Survey 2023.

-100 -50 0 50 100
Decreasingimportance Increasingimportance

Environmental stewardship
Global citizenship
Curiosity and lifelong learning
Dependability and attention to detail
Motivation and self-awareness
Resilience, flexibility and agility
Empathy and active listening
Leadership and social influence
Te a c h i n g a n d m e n t o r i n g
Analytical thinking
Creative thinking
Reading, writing and mathematics
Systems thinking
Marketing and media
Service orientation and customer service
Quality control
Resource management and operations
Ta l e n t m a n a g e m e n t
Manual dexterity, enduranceand precision
Sensory-processing abilities
AI and big data
Design and user experience
Networks and cybersecurity
Te c h n o l o g i c a l l i t e r a c y

a b c d e f g h i


Workingwith others

Cognitive skills

Skills, knowledge and abilities



Technology skills

j k l m n o p q r

Management andengagement skills

28 67 43 53 28 67 34 40 39 37 57 57 28 47 25 35 52 45
25 35 30 26 28 35 9 38 21 25 34 27 22 29 25 22 10 21
49 67 81 90 76 61 71 73 65 64 63 70 67 77 73 67 74 57
47 54 76 74 61 55 51 64 47 53 53 50 53 63 42 42 54 47
49 58 67 74 65 63 47 67 50 61 65 61 58 63 50 63 66 59
46 75 76 90 73 70 69 71 66 68 61 68 56 63 69 61 68 65
55 46 62 79 72 46 59 59 59 53 46 53 38 77 59 48 60 32
44 60 57 74 61 62 48 62 52 51 61 50 67 59 41 67 58 41
32 58 67 53 72 52 47 55 42 49 43 52 47 69 49 44 39 29
50 68 71 80 75 75 84 73 62 70 75 71 75 93 76 64 83 65
56 63 62 84 76 63 82 77 77 77 76 73 75 88 72 76 78 75
28 52 35 61 45 43 34 43 41 40 41 41 33 31 33 35 43 40
36 32 35 37 28 34 30 46 16 17 23 22 41 50 35 32 8 31
53 65 80 58 77 62 58 77 27 63 66 66 73 75 61 39 62 44
64 52 29 53 54 37 42 38 45 30 34 41 47 44 31 42 39 31
62 54 60 80 62 55 52 43 48 56 57 60 83 88 55 30 63 51
71 63 57 74 58 51 46 52 49 46 64 51 41 75 51 55 50 46
45 83 70 79 61 54 45 62 42 50 50 60 77 65 37 41 59 47
52 76 62 63 72 56 60 71 58 52 57 56 47 69 47 58 50 33
26 39 14 32 11 25 -3 29 6 14 26 19 17 -12 29 4 36 17
12 22 38 58 20 25 18 29 30 30 28 32 19 19 26 13 26 18
29 35 62 85 68 62 86 57 50 68 56 56 60 81 64 42 49 53
47 27 48 74 58 52 56 36 42 54 54 57 61 47 52 35 33 31
44 52 55 53 61 59 61 68 42 61 43 48 47 50 50 36 34 37
36 35 47 42 54 48 48 55 15 49 43 33 38 44 42 35 16 18
65 56 85 79 72 82 80 73 56 69 69 64 53 65 58 29 70 67

FIGURE C2 Skill evolution, 2023-2027Net difference between the shares of organizations which consider skills to be increasing and decreasing in importance to their workers
from 2023 to 2027 (%). The share of organizations predicting skill stability is not used in the calculation.

Future of Jobs Report 2023 80
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