

  1. Global trends and their impact on job creation

This bar chart shows the effect on job creation of the global trends that have been identified by
most respondents as driving the transformation of their organization. It is based on the responses
to the question, “Regarding the macrotrends likely or highly likely to drive transformation in your
organization, what is their expected impact on job creation in your organization?” of surveyed
companies that operate in the respective economy or region, compared with the global average. Net
effect is calculated by the share of respondents who view a trend as a net job creator minus the
share of respondents who view a trend as a net job displacer.

PeriodSource: 2022-2023: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs

  1. Technologies and their impact on job creation

This bar chart shows the effect on job creation of the technologies that have been identified by
most respondents as likely to be adopted by their organization. It is based on the responses to the
question, “Regarding the technologies likely or highly likely to be adopted in your organization,
what is their expected impact on job creation in your organization?” of surveyed companies that
operate in the respective economy or region, compared with the global average. Net effect is
calculated by the share of respondents who view a technology as a net job creator, minus the share
of respondents who view a technology as a net job displacer.

PeriodSource: 2022-2023: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs

  1. Churn in five years
    This is the five-year structural labour-market churn of surveyed companies that operate in the
    respective economy or region. Labour-market churn refers to the pace of reallocation of workers and
    jobs. Structural churn does not take into account the natural churn of workers moving between jobs
    for personal reasons. For additional details on the calculation of this indicator, please refer to the
    Methodology section.
    PeriodSource: 2022-2023: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
    4. Top roles for industry transformation
    This table provides an overview of the top roles for industry transformation from now until 2027. The
    list reports the roles that have been selected most often as growing, stable or declining in the next
    five years by surveyed companies that operate in the respective economy or region, compared with
    the global average. Net growth is calculated based on the respondent-reported role proportion in the
    organization now and in 2027.
    PeriodSource: 2022-2023: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
    5. Contextual indicators:
    This section provides the reader with the latest available data from contextual indicators on an
    economy’s labour market.
    Working-age populationThe total working age population is displayed in
    the top right corner of the page. The working-age population is the number of people aged 25 and
    over. In addition to using a minimum age threshold, certain countries also apply a maximum age limit.
    PeriodMarch 2023): 2018 or latest available data (accessed
    Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT

Wage and salaried workers in sectors (millions)World Economic Forum’s calculation based on
ILO’s estimates of sectoral employment for 41 ISIC sectors and on the World Economic Forum’s
Industry Taxonomy (see Appendix Table A1). Wage and salaried workers (employees) are those
workers who hold the type of jobs defined as “paid employment jobs,” where the incumbents hold
explicit (written or oral) or implicit employment contracts that give them a basic remuneration that
is not directly dependent upon the revenue of the unit for which they work.
PeriodSource: 2021: World Economic Forum’s calculation
based on ILO modelled estimates

Labour-force participationThe labour-force participation rate is the labour
force as a percentage of the working-age population. The labour force is the sum of all
persons of working age who are employed and those who are unemployed..
PeriodMarch 2023): 2018 or latest available data (accessed
Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT
Future of Jobs Report 2023 89
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