But would the 17-second rule apply to that as well?
The 17-second rule applies to everything. It is very helpful for you to
acknowledge that Law of Attraction —whether you are aware of it or not—is
responding to the vibration that you are offering right now, and therefore
momentum is occurring. So, if we were standing in your physical shoes and the
thought felt good, we would focus on it. We would think more about it. We
would talk about it. We would write it down. We would discuss it with others.
We would deliberately encourage that momentum. But if it is an uneasy thought
that feels uncomfortable, then we would do our best to generalize it.
The more specific you are in a thought, the faster the momentum. The more
general you are in a thought, the slower the momentum.
Esther remembers being in San Francisco and driving to the top of one of
those hills. She couldn’t believe that people were actually driving up and down
them. So imagine perching your car at the top of one of those hills and taking it
out of gear and taking the parking brake off. And now, just for fun to see what
will happen, you nudge your car a little bit from behind. Well, you know what
will happen. With only a slight nudge your car will careen down the hill.
But if you step out in front of it right away and let it bump up against you, you
can easily stop that unwanted momentum. You would not want to be at the base
of that hill trying to stop the momentum.
And so your thoughts are the same way. Every thought is vibration, and Law
of Attraction is responding to every thought, and therefore the thought is going
to increase. The only question is: Is this thought one that you want to increase?
Because it is going to increase. Law of Attraction insists that it will.