Co-creating at its best _ a conversation between master teachers ( PDFDrive )

(Keya BhowmikuNch1e) #1


Sometimes in my talks, I speak about this whole idea of transcending the
duality, like this physical world is all duality. It’s up/down, good/ bad,
male/female, east/west ...

That helps you to focus. In other words, if you don’t know what you don’t
want, you cannot know what you do want. We call that Step One in the creative
process. The contrast, or what you are calling duality, causes you to ask. But
humans often make such a lifestyle out of staying in that back-and-forth, up-and-
down mode of asking that they keep themselves vibrationally confused. You do
want the contrast to help you to ask, but you do not want to make your life only
about the asking, Step One mode.

So when I step out of this, when I take my last breath and step out into
the Non-Physical, will there be no opposites?

There is contrast in the Non-Physical, but from your physical perspective, it
will be so slight by comparison to the resistance that you are accustomed to that
it is indiscernible.

What    do  you mean    by   contrast?

Variety, difference. Knowing what you don’t want and therefore knowing
what you do want. So that causes you to launch vibrational rockets of desire, so
to speak.

There are three steps to the process of creation. The first step is to ask, and
contrast helps you to pinpoint that. Step Two happens when Source receives
those vibrational requests and immediately becomes a Vibrational Match to
them. That is why we say, “When you ask, it is immediately given.”

But there’s often quite a vibrational gap between what people are asking for
and where they are usually hanging around vibrationally. That’s what you were
talking about earlier. You were asking for a feeling of forgiveness, but you were

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