Co-creating at its best _ a conversation between master teachers ( PDFDrive )

(Keya BhowmikuNch1e) #1

words, now she knows that she must be in alignment with who she is in order to
interact with him.

Their house is U-shaped and there is a light in the bedroom that Esther can see
from the bedroom, from the living room, from her office looking across the pool.
It is a light that shines down on a quartz rock wall, and Esther can see it from
just about every room she spends time in.

Often, when she is really feeling good, that light blinks in appreciation of her
joy. But if she ever feels sad or lonely and sits looking at the light, saying,
“Blink the light,” the light does not blink. He will not come down to a lower disc
to play with her. If she’s going to play with him, she’s got to get up there where
she belongs and where he is.

When I make my transition, will I be able to make contact with the
people I love?

Yes,    everyone    that    you care    about.

Do you set an intention before? Because I’ve been doing that.
Yes, but it is not only because of intentions that you set before you make your
transition. From your Non-Physical vantage point, you have keen interest in
what is happening on Earth.

We in the Non-Physical are multidimensional. We are Consciousness, and
whenever you—in your physical form—focus, we are always there with you, no
exceptions. But it is necessary that you tune yourself to the recognition of us.

Think about your teachings and the books that you have written. When you
are no longer here in your physical body and have reemerged back into Non-
Physical, as people are reading your books, you will be aware of that. You will
tap into that.

This is a big concept for humans to get their thoughts around. You sometimes
feel overwhelmed with the idea of that. For a little while after Jerry made his
transition into Non-Physical, Esther felt jealous because while he was in his
physical body, she had his undivided attention. But now he is visiting with

The frequency is always there and can be received by you, but for you to
realize it, you’ve got to be up to speed with it. And when you are, then that
clarity that you were talking about, that realization, happens to you.

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