Co-creating at its best _ a conversation between master teachers ( PDFDrive )

(Keya BhowmikuNch1e) #1

Yes. Well, you are looking for love in all the wrong places. You’re looking
for food that tastes good rather than food that feels good. You’re not letting it
guide you from your perspective of alignment; you’re just looking for a way to
fill the void. Don’t you notice that when you are at your orneriest or your most
dysfunctional that you are often looking for something to eat?

But what has happened is that we’ve genetically modified this food so that
the seed for the next generation doesn’t come from the wheat, or it doesn’t
come from the corn—it comes from Monsanto; it comes from these big
companies that have patents on our food. We can’t even put it in the ground
without getting permission from big companies.

We are not disagreeing with you. But what if those like you who are now
aware of this are launching some rockets of desire—

I   am, big-time.

And what if, instead of having the conversation of what’s wrong with the
food, you’re having conversations about what you want the results to be.

I’m doing   that.

What if you become a light for the vibration of Well-Being? What if—with
Source at your back and with the leverage that creates worlds—you shine a
spotlight on that? What if that is the dominant vibration?

In the same way that when you were at your father’s grave that day, and
Source was flowing through you, and even though you had gone there to do
something else to that grave that you ended up not doing ... But because the
vibration of Source is dominant, why not be the human form that focuses on the
solution rather than the problem? And that is the only thing that has gone a little
haywire with humans. You spend too much time talking about what you don’t
want, instead of articulating what you do want. So your frequencies and
momentum are more about what you do not want.

But don’t we have to be aware of what we don’t want? I don’t want to
have my family eating genetically modified foods.

Of course. But listen, just in this conversation, to the amount of time you’ve
spent on the topic of what you do not want as compared to the topic of what you
do want—to what you could be doing about it.

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