Moroccan Recipes_ Discover Delicious Moroccan Cooking with Easy Moroccan Recipes (2nd Edition)

(lily) #1



  1. Discard the peel of the carrots then slice them into quarters. Place a large saucepan over
    medium heat. Place in it the carrots and cover them with water.

  2. Cook them until they start boiling. Let them cook for 4 min.

  3. Drain the carrots from the water and place them aside to drain.

  4. Place a large skillet over medium heat. Heat the oil in it. Add the carrot with the oil, garlic,
    cayenne, cumin and paprika.

  5. Let them cook for 5 to 10 until the carrots are soft. Stir in the lemon juice with a pinch of
    salt and pepper.

  6. Place the carrot salad in the fridge until it cools down completely. Sprinkle the cilantro on
    top then serve it.

  7. Enjoy.

Zesty Carrots Salad

Prep Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 30 mins


1 lb carrot
3 tbsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves
1 pinch cayenne pepper
1 pinch cumin
1 pinch paprika

Servings per Recipe: 8
Calories 70.6
Fat 5.2g
Cholesterol 0.0mg
Sodium 40.6mg
Carbohydrates 6.0g
Protein 0.6g

1 tbsp lemon juice
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
1/4 C. chopped fresh parsley

Zesty Carrots Salad
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