A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1
human being

Fratricide :- Killing of a


cit , citat to call , to start

Incite :- Stir up , Start up

Excite :- Stir up

Recitation :- A recalling


civi citizen

Civilization :- Society of

citizens, culture

Civilian :- Member of


Civil :- Courteous

clam , clamat to cry out

Clamorous :- Loud

Declamation :- Speech

Acclamation :- Shouted


claud , claus , clos , clud to close

Claustrophobia :- Fear of

close places

Enclose :- Close in

Conclude :- Finish

cognosc, cognit to learn

Agnostic :- Lacking

knowledge , Skeptical

Incognito :- Traveling

under assumed name

Cognition :- Knowledge

compl to fill

Complete :- Filled out

Complement :- That

which completes


Comply :- Fulfill

cord heart

Accord :- Agreement

(from the heart)

Cordial :- Friendly

Discord :- Lack of


corpor body

Incorporate :- Organize

into a body

Corporeal :- Pertaining to

the body , fleshly

Corpse :- Dead body

cred , credit to believe

Incredulous :- Not

believing, Skeptical.

Credulity :- Gullibility

Credence :- Belief

cur to care

Curator :- Person who has

the care of something

Sinecure :- Position

without responsibility

Secure :- Safe.
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