A Marxist Philosophy of Language (Historical Materialism)
to the process (enunciation as public praxisof interlocution). In this theoretical framework, language is indeed a form of praxi ...
example the history of Latin as traditionally narrated.) For the temporality of change in a given language is complex and uneven ...
heralds the contemporary one, and which is still to be found in the archaic language of ballads. Syntax also evolves at its own ...
Finally, there is the history of the language as whole, of what is called ‘English’. As we have seen, this name is an ontologica ...
French society at a particular moment of its history) with the aid of the concept of social formation: this aims to conceptualis ...
the aura of sedimented meaning that inscribes ‘the ideological content which the words used had in preceding periods of civiliza ...
too narrow and too broad. For instance, the Russian word for cow originally meant ‘horned’, and the word for mouse, ‘thief’. But ...
The key moments which should be of interest to Marxism, in the development of thinking about language, are, first, the emphasis ...
has at some time...virtually forced itself on my attention, because the problems of its meanings seemed to me inextricably bound ...
But the sketch presented by Williams gives us an excellent idea of what we need: a concept of linguistic conjunctureto replace t ...
it shows that language is not a neutral object intended for scientific contemplation, but subject to attempts at control – somet ...
So my thesis is not trivial in that it ejects the individual speaker as the source of utterances and meanings from the front of ...
into, by examining the proximity – even the inseparable links – between language and ideology. In a passage of A Theory of Liter ...
I think we can go beyond these formulations, which form part of our common sense, by turning to the second theory of ideology pr ...
Johnson’s apt phrase, ‘we live by’.^30 These dead metaphors are the only ones that are truly living in that they are constantly ...
war ’), is distributed or dispersed between individuals, as they go about their business. It is here that individual action make ...
which the speaker can engage with the language for her pleasure. But she can only do so within the limits of what is furnished b ...
My thesis has its converse, which states that not only is ideology linguistic, but language is ideological. What are we to under ...
image for the cover of the weekly, has something to do with what he calls ‘French imperiality’. The historical distance allows u ...
unconscious imitation. The last two characteristics are the most interesting for us: in ideology, language is indefatigable (Bar ...
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