A Marxist Philosophy of Language (Historical Materialism)

(Kiana) #1

Tintin 102, 126, 175
totality (Lukács) 144
transference (Freud) 117
transparency 58, 71, 172
Tutuola, Amos 8

unconscious (Freud) 116–18
United Nations (UN) 60, 62
utterance (Voloshinov) 97–8, 102, 114,
135, 141
as order-word 130–1
as social 123

vagueness (Perrot) 219
Venuti, Lawrence 186
Virno, Paolo 151–2, 214
vitalism 41
Voloshinov, V.N. 73, 140, 194, 202, 209, 213
on word 107–8

on Freud 116–18
Marxism and the Philosophy of Language
Vygotsky, Lev Semyonovich 111, 141,
149, 157–8
Wallerstein, Immanuel 9, 125
Waquet, Françoise 7n6
war 183–4
Welsh 9, 193
Williams, Raymond 110n8, 140,
158–60, 162, 164
Wilson, Deirdre 132
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 15, 91, 123, 162,
Wolf, George 114n13
Wolfson, Louis 179, 182
words 107–8, 141
World War I 155, 156

236 • Index

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