A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)

(backadmin) #1

352 Dik Bakker and Anna Siewierska

After completion of this, the IL level will be updated with the semantic
version of the temporal satellite. This gives us (22); again, the new bit is in
bold. Separately, the relevant part of the IL extension will be sent to the
expression component. This will give us (23). In both cases we will effect
these changes not in an independent structure, but directly in the Config
field of the relevant node of the expression, in this case Node 1. So we will
have the following updated structures there.

(22) (p 1 : [(past e 1 : [hab f 1 : come [V] (def x 1 )AG ] (gen sg x 8 : class [N])ILLAT )
(def x 9 )TEMP )])
(23) [DECL (P 1 )S (P 2 )A (C 6 : [(x 1 )TOP (x 8 )FOC (x 9 )FOC (f 1 )])]

Expression continues from Node 1 with the new element that was added
to the RL structure. After this update, a new node is created to express the
new satellite. After this Node 15 has been fully specified it will look like

(24) NODE 15 (fully instantiated)
Lab: sat
Config: [(x 9 )FOC ],
[ (def x 9 )TEMP]
SubCat: prep

Thus, the tree structure of Figure 5 is incrementally extended with a
new satellite constituent SAT for its rightmost constituent. Only the PREP
position will be expressed since there is no more material in this term.


1 4 9 14

2 5 7 10 12 15

3 6 8 11 13 16

/he/ /would/ /come/ /into/ /class/ /a-t/

Figure 5. Partial expression tree; stage 2

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