Technical matters • Module7A
Why did Rachel writethisletter?Whatare thethree differentsubjects she
2 Thelett er says threedifferent things,orcontainsthreedifferentelements.
Whatare they?
3 What features of informalstyle canyou findin the letter? Consider the
following: vocabulary,grammar, punctuationandsentence structure,
cohesion/ linking words, tone (whataspectsoft he writingshow that
Arantxais afriend ?).
1 Don't writeyour nam ehe re.
2 The hou senumbe rofa Britishor Ameri canaddressis written before th e name
ofth e street, but write your own address inthewayYOllnormally do.
3 Include yo ur postcod e and,ifyou like , your telep hon enumbe r (not to doso can
he a realand unnece ssary way of los ing a friend).
4 Don 't write the name oraddressof th e person you' re writi ng to on the le ft. T his
is only don ein le tt e rsthatareform alandimpersonal.
5 Date. These abb reviationsarecommonly used for thedaysand months:ili on,
Tues. W eds, Thurs. Fri. Sat, Sun; Jail, Feb, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov,Dec.
6 Dearis always app rop riate- for famil y, intimate friends andeve ne ne mies.Afy
dearandDearestarealsopossible, but vel)' affectio nate.
7 Mostlette rs start witha re fe ren ceto th e mostrecentcontactyouhavehad with
the otherperson:
Thanksven)muchforyourletter,ichichcmn.eth i smoming.
Itwas great to see you again lastweekend-andlooking so fitandslim!
Some people 's letters alwaysbegin :
Sorn) it's been solong since [ last wrote, b ut...followed hy the excuses for not
llaving writte n.
8 Mostle tte rs endwith a refere nce to thenext contactwithth eotherperson:
I'm lookinefoncard to seeingyou/hearing f rom you.
Do write againsoon.
I hope toseeyo uagain in Jun e, if not be fore.
9 Loveis a suitableending for an intimatefriendofe ithe r sex.
More affection ate :Allm y love , Lov e andkisses ,Lotsoflove
Fora friendorcolleague(notintim ate):All the best, Bestrcishes
For a personallet te r,butnotto ap erson al frien d:YOlin ,Regards
10 Re memberthatthis is th e onlyplace eitheronth e le tteror the envelopethat
your nam e appears.Does yourcorres pon de nt know who you ar e ?Mak e sure
yo ursignatu re is le gible.You may even ne ed to writeyou r surname.
Task bank: Task 27
Task types • 103