Openings (lirst pa r agraph)
AIt\\'''L~atsome time ne arth eendof the '60sthatthe
American s stopped investingmoney in Britishfilms,
andthatwasmore orlesstheendofthe Britishfilm
ind ustry .A pity,becau seth e '60shad been agood
timefl.>rBritish cine ma. To d ay , wea reonly makin g
abouta thirdofth e numberoffilms we were
making then.
BThe 1960 5 were , from the British filmindustry's
poin tofview,th e best of time s andyet, intheend,
doseto hein gth e worstoftimes as well.
C Thepurposeofthis article is to lookbrieflvat the
wayin whichBritishcinemain the 19605 enjoyeda
re naissance which continue duntil the e ndof the
decade ,when the Americansceased toinve stin the
indust ry.T hearticlewillgo on tolook atthe
negati veeffectthatthe '60s collapseo f theindust ry
has hadlip to the pr esent day.
Openings and closings • Module9A
C los ings(las tparagraph)
ATosum up, th e 'fiOs seeme d to he good for the
Britishcinemauntil the ,·erye ndofth e de cad e :
manygood filmswere made ,acting became amore
'class le ss'profe ssion, and mo rale was hig h .Oilthe
ot herhand, th e d e cade ende dwith the collapse of
the industry, fromwhichit has never recovered. In
conclusion, th en, perhapsthe'fiOswere notsuch a
good time for the British filmindustry.
B Througho utthe '90swehavebe e nmakin gfewer
andfewerm oviesin Britain .Fortunately,Il1<.Uly
Britishdirectors are ,'erysuccessful in the USA, and
Britishte levi siontoo is a success,hothco mmerciallv
anda rt i stically,aroundthe world..
C Afa scinating d ecad e, certainly.Such a pity that fo r
film-make rs, as pe rhaps for mallY others, it all
tur ned out t o he a fool'sparadise.
1.1 Writingformagazines:thingstoremember
You 'rew riting for thep u blic,not
fo ryou rfriends. Youropinio ns are
only interestin g if you can ex pl a in
th em ,justifythe m,o r mak e them
ente rta in ing.
Peopledon'tbuyma gazi nes in
o rd ertobe bor ed, If you rarticle
isn't interest ing, they won' t read it
- a ndt hemag azin e wo n't pu blish
your writingagain , Tobe
interestin g, yo us ho uld : - giveyourarticleagood titl e,
- s ta rt withagood o peni ng,
- useconcreteimag esandfacts,
notconceptsa ndgenera lizations. - usepr eci sea ndin teres ting
voca b ulary. - surprise theread er- o r at lea s t
say so me th ing new, - know whento fmis h- a nd fmish
insty le,
Who read s this mag azin e?Howo ld
arethey?Wh at nationality?What
do theya lreadyknow abo utthe
su bjecto f th e art icle,andw hatwill
y ou need to expla in?
Whatare youtryingto
Areyo u try in g to persuad e the
read er tod o something? To in form?
To adv ise?Torecommend? To
enterta in? Ora combinationof
th es e?
Yourarticleshoul dnormall yhave a
t itlea nd be writte n in parag raphs,
Som ema gazin ea rt iclesinclude list s
- lists o f instructi on s,listsof't ips '
o r advice - which require a
g raphic layou t such as tha tuse d
in "Be interestin g' above. Note also
the us eofs ubti tleso n this page
a ndin certa i n magazinearticles,
Trytosayj ust onething ina
250 -wo rda rt icle ,Makenotes, t he n
su mma rize what you wantto say
inonesentence .Yo ucouldw rite a
planbas ed on that one se ntence;
the restofth e art iclew ou ldex pla in
a nd illustrate wha ty ou want
to say,
Make su re that you r article is
relevant tothetitle, and th at
everythingwith inthea rt icleis
releva n ttoyour mainidea.
If amag azi neoranEnglishexam
as ksfo r 'about250 words',don't
write 500, Themagazinewouldn't
print theart icle;theexam iner may
only read the firsthalfofit,an d
y ouw illce rta inly be penalise d,
perhaps sev erely ,
Don't pr esen t opinions. guessesa nd
rumou rs asif theywere facts. Such
carelessness,apanfromma king
yourart icle inaccurate,
untrustwonhy andvalue less ,can
alsobe illegal when printed in a
magazin e,Disti nguishbetween fac t
andrumourby add inga s impl e
wordorphra se: theallege d
murderer, thesus pec te d mafIOSO,
I've hea rdit said that,.., t he reis a
rumourth at...,theministeris said
tohaveIru moured tohaveI
sup posedtohavetakenbribes,
Task types • 123