Armsboss poisoned
MrStefanBan, man agingdirect or ofthe L ei cest er
company,Internation al DefenceSy st em s, di edin
h ospit alatmiddayyeste rday. H e h ad com pl ai ned
ofstomachpai nsaftereatingi n a r est au r anton
Mondayeven in g, and was rushedtoh ospitalafter
beingfoundunconsciousi nthemorning.MrK evi n
Truckle a waiterat the rest auran t whereMrB an
h ad e aten ,was also admitte d to h ospi t al with
sus pecte d food poisoning, but h as n ow b een
di sch ar ged.
m Words cannordescribe howI f eelwhenIthink
backtoFridayni ght.AndI do thinkof it,all the
t une ,andofth e lo okin youre yeswhenwe said
goodn igh t.O h S te fan,say we canmeetagain soo n!
But we must be very careful, darl ing. M y husband
m us tne verfindo ur. Maxh as suc ha fierytem pe r,
an dsoman y sha rp kn ives inh is kit chen!
I lavin gascertainedthat the dece asedhad beensea~edat
table 13. a windowse atequidistantbetween thekitch en
door andthe ladie s'toilet s.I proce ed ed toquestionth:
manage r about the waitingstalT.lie repliedthatMr Ball s
tahlehad beenattendedhy~IrTntckle. ami thatm the
norm al course ofeven tsneith er ofthe tw o waitresses,Miss
Lee andMissF air fax,wouldhuvchad cause toserveat that
table. He suggeste d that I que sti on the \\'ait~esses
themseh"e s,hut re grett edthat~IrTmcklc wasunavailable ,
ll<l\;ngphonedin to sayhe hadtotakehis dogtothevet.
It' s a rec ipe formurder when the sinister Colon el
Lamontdines with brilliant youngscientistStefa n Ball.
But which of his manyenemies puts paid to Stefan' s
career on his ownexpen seaccount? Andwho is the
mysteriousHenry Hungerfo rd? Stefanwon' tbe eating
atMaximilien's again, but Holmesfi nds thismenu very
much to his taste. and present s thesolutionon a plate.
2 Identifythe murderer by fillingin the grid andmakingyourown deductions.
Name a ndjoh Motiv e On the otherhand Oppnr-t unity
(\Iaxi milien Hiswifewas ha\; ngan afI lir
Job: wi th Stefan(textII)
Co lo nel Lamont Couldeasilyhavepoison ed
Job: Stefan's foodwhiledining
wit hhim(textp
Ke-vinT ruckle Washimselfpoisoned(text C)
l leurv1I1IIIge rfo rd
1.1 Spot the mistake
Making a mistake with register can have unintentionallycomic results. With a
partner,write a dialogue containingregistererrors.Somesuggested situations:
- a politicianspeakingto a closepersonalfriendor f amily asif (s)he was
addressinga politicalmeetingor givinga press conference. - a 1V game showhost conducting ajob interview,
- a primary schoolteacher or afootballcoach advisingthePresident of the USA
When you havefinished, swapyour dialogue wit h anotherpair. Under linethe
register errorsin their dialogue.Can you suggesta more appropriate word or
phrase? Or is thewhole phrase so out of placeandirrelevant thatit shouldbe
Writing sub-s kills • 13