Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1

Task bank


You are sharinga flat with two otherpeople,and the
arrangementisn't workingvery well.Writea letterto a
friend (about 250 words) describingsomeof the
problemsyou are having withyourtwoflatmates and
askingfor adviceon howto improve things,


Exchangeletters withanother student. Reply to your
friend 'sletter(abo ut 250 words),

Task 19
Just beforesettingoff bytrain on a foreignhol iday, you
see someone leave a bag unde rneatha bench in the
railway station. The following day, you learn that abomb
exploded in the station at about that t ime. You feel it i s
just possible, though very unlikely, that the bombwas in
the bag you saw being left underthe bench- in which
case, you also saw the terroristwho planted thebomb,
and wouldbe able to describe themto the police.You
writea letterto thepolicedescribing what you saw.
Don 't writethe whole letter.Writeonly your description
of t heperson who left the bag,the bagitse lf, and the
location ofthe bench. (Abo ut 150 words.)

Task 20
Your goodfriendAlex is flyingto Britain, andwill be
pickedup by anotherfri end of yours(who livesthere).
The two havenever met,butAlex has aphoto of the one
in Britain; unfortunately, you haven't got a photo ofAlex.
So writethedescriptionof Alex that you sendto your
friend in Britain in order tohelpt hem findeach other at
the airport. (About100 words.)

Task 21

P S.MagazineWritingCompetition:
I f youcould invi te any tw ofamou sp eople to
dinner atyour hou seone night, w ho\\:ouldyou
choose? The pe oplemay be dead oralive ,from
ht sto ryor from fiction.

  • Sayw hyyou choosethesepeople

  • Y ouma valso briefl y discussyourplans for
    LEKGTH abou t 250 words
    PRIZE SIOOcashp lusa dinner fo r fourat the
    restauran t ofyourchoice.


Task 22
You are either a privatedetective, a secret agent , a
politicalextremistor an outlaw. One ofyourcontacts
needs to geta falsepassportmade, in a hurry. You
knowthat there is only oneperson intown who can do
it. Thisperson can always befound at a certaintime in a
certain bar, andw ill be prepared to negotiatethe job
with astranger solong as theycangivethe password.
Writea note foryourcontact , tellingthemwhere to go ,
when,how torecognize t he forger, and the password.
(Havi ng writtenthenot e,you will, of course, putthe note
inside a foldedcopy of theHerald Tribun e,andthrowthe
newspaper into the rubbishbin besidethe parkgates at
middayprecisely.) (Abo ut 150 words.)

Task 23
Writea magazine article that takes a criticallook atyour
town as seen through the eyes of a dissatisfied tourist.
Your articleshould be enjoyableto read, but make a
numberof validcriticisms.

  • Suggestedapproaches:

    • Write thearticlein the form of a letterwrittenby a dissatisfied

    • Writethearticlein your own voice, afterhearingfrom a

Task 24

P S.MagazineCo m p e ti tio n :memories
O Ufmemori es and dream s often retur n to a
beautiful placeweoncevisit ed -childl~ood
memoriesofvisitsto afarmor to theCIlY·
adolescentsettingso f firstrom
m em orie s ofbeautyspots. holidays in th e
mounta ins,be aches.. .Inabout2;0words.
describethat place, and P.S. M agazin ew~ll_take
you backth ere. aswell as givingyou a.\:2 ) 0
cash prize ,if your article is selected for
publicationinourAprilediti on.

Task 25
You areon holiday andthe place you have cometois
extremely disapp ointing.An English-speaking friend of
yoursis planningto come to thesame placenext month.
Writea letter to your friend(about 250 words), describing
the unsatisfactoryaccommodation,amenities and
facilities,and suggesting that they change their holiday
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