fell. Youwere j oinedby a young American womanwho
had seen the robbery andcalled the police. You
recoveredthe walletfromthethief's pock etand waited
for the police. The thiefwastakento hospital, whileyou
all went with the police to make astatement.
This morning , you receive a letter from theAmerican
woman. Hereis an extract fromher letter.
'.. .flDYDUrememberme?I',,:Annie,t~eDnewhD
Anyway, /'mwriting t» tellYDUthat lastweek/rea3a
letter inDurIDcalpaperfrDmthatDI3manwhDsaw
YDurfrien3catch thepickpDcket.HeDbviDusly
misun3erstDD3everything.Thesearethe th,ngshe
claimswe 3 i3:
- attack an innDcentvictim (threeagainstDne)
- stab himin theleg
- rDbhimDf all hismDney
leavehim to3ie.
Heeven thinks/wasanaccDmplice,whenwe'3never
evenmetbefore.Hesayswerewerescruffily 3rme3 a.n3
IDDke3like prDfessiDnalthieves. HereckDnsthattDUrlSts
visitplaceste attackan3stealbef oremDvingDn. The
troubleis,nDWIDtsDfpeDplehavebeen writingtDthe
paperinsupportDfhis letter,cDmplainingabDut
tourists.1'3bereally gratefulifYDUCDul3writetDthe
newspapersayingwhat reallyhappen.e3./~a small
way, YDur letterwDul3helpfightaga,nst'gnorancean3
preju3ice. '
Write a letter to the newspapersetting the recordstraight
(about200 words) and anappropriate post- card to the
American woman(about 50 words).
Task 29
You arealone at home, waitingfor your twoEnglish-
speakinggueststo come back with the shopping.When
theyarrive, you are going to show themhow to prepare
a special meal that is traditional in yourcountry.Suddenly
the phone rings, and you areunexpectedlycalledoutfor
a couple of hours. Beforeyou go out. writea note for
your friendsgivingtheminstructions on how to cook the
mealyou were planning(including any necessary advice
on where to findeverythingnecessary in yourkitchen,
and how to use your kitchenequipment).
Write the note (100-200 word s).
Task 30
Last timeyou saw a friend, they did something thatmade
youvery angry. Youhaven'tspokento themsince. Now ,
twomonthslater,you're still a bit angry butyou want to
renew yourfriendship.Writeyourfrienda letter(about
250 words) that succeeds in both expressing your anger
(andensuringthat yourfriend doesn't behave that way
again) andrenewin g yourfriendship.
Task 31
You are on holiday andyou havediscovereda wonderful
place and a wonderful person. You want to stay in this
place for the restof your holiday,butyou had promised
to spenda week withanEnglish-speakingfriend of
yours.Writea letterto your f riend(about 250 words)
describing the placeyou have discoveredand the
person you have met,and tryingto persuadeyour friend
to come and join you.Tell your f riend what a difficult
choiceyou will have if they don 'tcome to joinyou. At the
same time, becareful not to offend them.
Task 32
Here is an extract froma letter writtento you by Shane,
an Australian friendwho is at present li vi ng in Britain:
- Nextrronthismy19thbirthdayI andI ' rngoing
tohave totakea bigdecision. Infact, I'd
reallyappreca.at.ei t ifyouwroteandgave~your
adviice. YouseeI I'minthepoai.tionofhavanqLito
choosebetweenthreer-hi.ncs'-'LU.~ • First, I couldreaaze
dreamofbecaning a professionalfoot.b3.11er -
7 ve teeno f f eredacont r actbyBri~t~l.Rovers!
OK, s othey' r eonly intheFourthD1V1S10~, l:ut
everyonehastostartscrreNhere.Altemanvely, I
couldgo toUniversity: livegota placetostudy
EngineeringatLeicesterI andI\Olldgeta srral~
threeyears .Mythirdchoiceis todowhatmy.
fatherreal l ywants metodo - togorecktoAlice
. andhelphimrunthe familyhotel there.
Springs th W'l lards'
(He ' d proteblyals o like rret o rrar'ry e l
daughterf rannextdoor- andgiveupal~myother
girls!) DowriteandtellIrewhatyou think,
becausevIDicheverI choose, I 'msure tolosethe
othertw:)q;::portunities. '
Writeyourreply (about 250 words).
Task 33
You recentlyspent six months in an English-speaking
countryworking as an au-pair.Now a friendof yours
wants to go andwork forthe same family. The family
have written toyou askingif you thinkyour friend would
be suitable for the job. (Theworkinvolveschild-minding
forthree childrenaged 3, 6 and 8; some housework,
including vacuumingand washing- up;and the choiceof
eithergardening, cookingor walking the dog.)
Write a letter to the family,recommendingyour friend.
Your letter shouldbe sufficientlypositiveto ensurethat
your friend gets the job, butyou should at leastpretend
to give a balancedjudgement. Writeabo ut 150 words,
of which about 100 wordsshouldbethe 'reference'.