Task 34
TheInternationalHealt h Councilis collecting inforrnation
about eating habitsaround the world.Theyinviteyou to
submit a repo rtofabout 250 word sto cover:
- the availabil ityand affordabilityof fres h vegetables,
fruit,fishand meat inyourarea. - thetypical dietof people in your areaand the factors
(financial,seasonal, traditional,advertising, etc.)
influencingthatdiet. If appropriate, this section should
be subdivided to cover different social groupsw ithin
your society. - any observations you may have as to how people in
your areacouldtake better advantageof the available
resources to improve theirdiets.
Writeyour report.
Task 35
TheBritish Centre is researching Englishlanguage
teaching in schools around the world. They already have
information supplied by the teachersand managementof
schools, but recognize that this informationis only half
the story.In order to obtain amore balanced picture of
the schools,theBritish Centreinvitesall advanced
studentsto writea 250-wordreporton their school.As
an incentive,the Cent re is offering study grants worth
£2,000 eachto the writers of the best thr eereports.
Your reportshouldcover all therelevantaspects ofyour
school/English Department,from classroomsand
facilitiesto teachers, management and methodolo gy.
You should also mention what youperceive to be the
strengths and weaknesses of your school.
Task 36
You workfor amultinational companywhoseheadoffice
is in an Engli sh-speaking count ry. Every yearin t hefirst
week in July an internationaltrainingweekis held in a
differentcountry from among the twelve coun t rieswhere
the companyoperates. A totalof 200 employees attend,
from all 12 countries. Activities include lectures,seminars
andworkshops,but recreation (includingnightlife,
swimming,sightseeing, eating out,etc .) is in fact t he
mostimportantaspect of the week, as selection to
attendthe week is seen as a reward forthe company's
Nextyear the trainingweek is tobe heldin your country,
but it remains tobe decided in which city. Youare asked
top repare a report on possiblevenues. Write the report
(about 250 words) recommending two suitable locations
and showing theadvantagesand disadvantages of each.
Task 37
Writea magazine report of 250 wordsdescribinga major
disaster, either natural (fire, flood, earthquake, volcanic
eruption),or man-made. You may write from experience
or use yourimagination, but the report is to be writtenas
Task 38
Youhavebeeninvited to wri tea 250-wo rdarticlefor an
international English-languagemagazinein your country.
The subject of t he article isTelevision inmycountry
today.The editorhas asked you to:
- give your articlean interestingtitle.
- briefly summarizethe1Vchannels available and the
kind ofprogrammes they show. - comment on the positiveandnegativeeffectsof 1V,
w hether onsoc ietyor ont he individualor both. - suggest ways in which1Vprogrammingcould be
improved in the future.
1 Writethree different firstparagraphs for the article,all
of them good.Each firstparagraph should use a
different kind of openingfrom the nine listed on page
2 Writethree different titlesfor the article, to match the
three openings. Thetit le,like the opening ,should do
two things :indicatethe contentof thearticle,and
make people want to readit.
Task 39
YourlocalEnglish- language magazine is runninga series
entitledFormativeyears,in which readers areinvited to
w riteabout someone who had an important influence (for
goodor bad)on the way they grew up. Write your article
(about250 words).
- Bewareof self-indulgence.Theread er ofthemagazinedoesn't
knowyou, and prob ab lydoesn 't want to hear abo ut your
teach er or yourfamilyunless you havesomethinginterestingto
sayaboutthem.In particular,tryto start your article in a way
thatwillmakethe reader want to read more.
Task 40
In Britain, there is some debateabout whether the
politicalsystem is agoodexampleofdemocracy. For
instance ,thereis a democraticbody('TheHouse of
Commons ') elected togovernthe country - but any
decisionsthat theCommonsmake mustbe approvedby
an unelectedbodyof aristocrats , bishopsand former
politicians('TheHouse of Lords ') and alsoby t he Queen.
Similarly,the elect oral system is sometimescriticised, as
is the reluctanceof thegovernmentto hold referendums.
As acontributionto this debate, a British newspaper has
invited you to submit,for its weekly supplement aimed at
17-1 8 year-olds,a 250-wordarticle in which you
describeyour own country'spoliticalsystemand