CHereis the finalparagraph of the story. Some of the
wordsthatcontributeto the cohesion have been left
blank. Whatarethey? Write one word in each blank.
Sadly.(I) the morning,the nursefound
Mickdead. (2) she reassuredKeith
that hewould soon ha ve so me more compa ny.
(3) hearing this,Keith was quickto
insist thatit washis turntohave the bedby thewin -
dow.(4) first , the nurses triedto tell
himwhy it wouldbeeasie r ifhe stayedw here he
was, but he became(5) angrythat they
finally carried himac ross tothe otherbed. He lay
s til l fo ra wh ile, waiting to be alo ne. T he n, as
(6) asth e nurseshadgone. he lifted
himsel f up expect antl y (7) peered
throu ghthewindow- tosee asolidbrickwall.
B Linking words
1.0 Conjunctions and sentence
A conjunct ionconnectstw o clausesin the same
sentence. (A clause is a phrase witha verb in it.)
1 luu: c beenlcatch ingtelccisionsinceI got ho me at six
A sentence adverb(or adverbial phrase)
- canconnecta sentencew ithanother sentence.
Igothom e af six(}'clock.Sincethen,I ha r eb ee n
It:a /c hi ngtclec ision. - can connect a sentencew iththe whole text.
...(//1(/then[1I: e1l1 10bed,Alli nall , [ fwd(/very
horinger;ell i llg. - can signalthew riter'sattit ude to what they are
Prallkly. Iicisl:Iduln'ttun e(Jtelec ision.
The lists on pages 21 and 23 group thesewords
accordingto their function (for example,to indicate a
relationship of time). Note that afew conjunct ionscan
also be used as sentenceadverbials.But notealsothat
thepracticeof beginninga sentencewithand, butor or,
though commontoday- even among good write rs - is
oftenthought incorrect.
20 • Writingsub-skills
AThese sentencesfocus onthe distinction between
conjunctions,in the(Jsentences, andsentence
adverbials. Usingthe lists on page23, fill the gaps in the
bsentenceswith a sentence adverbial,sothat thetwo
sentenceshavethe same meaning. The first has been
done as an example.
l u(conj)Silvi awent f o r aswimaftershehad done he r
homew ork
1li (sn lv)SilviadidherhomeworkAft en ca n ls ,shewent for
a swi m.
2aShe was dyingfora swimhythetimeshe !lad fini she d
sb ldyi ng.
2hShestudiedtill midday. ,shewasdying for
a swi m.
3a"'Ilileshewass\\i lllllling, I continue dto study.
3h Ico ntinue d to study. , shewasswimming,
Reason andresult
-la The Addamslivein a strange ho use,sotheydon 't get
numv visitors.
-th TheAddamsliveina strangehouse. ,they
do n't get manyvisito rs.
5a Sinceshe had promisedtovisithim, shewentther ethe
5!> She hadpromisedtovisit him. , shewent
there the nextday.
Contras tandconcessio n
fia Alo tofmenareu ncomfo rta b l ewithMo rt ici a.eren
tho"ghshe has a sweet nature.
6hMorticiahasa sweetnature. , a lotofmen
areuncomfortab l ewith he r.
7aThe English eat po tatoe s,ichereastheC hineseeatri ce.
7 l>The English eat po tatoe s.The Chinese, _
eat rice.
SaNotOldydoesMarce lplaythetru mpet .buthecanalso
S!> Marcelplaysthe trtlmpe t. , hecalljuggle.