Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1


5 I Iisclothe s sme lledof
a Chauel Number 5 ,jlist as hadexpected.
hChane!N u m be r .5,besides!chichhe had lipstickon
c: C hane! Nu mbe r 5nowthathe wasgoing outwith

6 lll l ook afte r.vourcrocod ileswhile.vourc on
a holidaypror;iclcclth atyou look after _
bholidayasthoughth ey were my _
c holidnvt.)as In,1Iaswateringthe _
7 I to ld himI had decid ed tohrcuko ff0111'
a engage me nt,11/1'c1lasIregre tt ed los in g _
b e ngage ment.ichereuponhe started to _
c e ngageme nt.sohe mad eme _

S TheFBItookth e
a photographssothattheycould putpr essure on

bphotographsillcaseevide nce against was
neede d.
c photographsi llspiteof asking the m not
9 I'vede cidedto do twohoursofaerobics everv
adayillordertolose weightand _
h dayasS0 0 1lasIcan afford ---,-_
cdayas lOll§!.as comeswithme.
l O aBythetimewear rivedillBar bad os , Iwas
sonvIhad-t-r-r- _
hS oSOOHerhadwegot to Barba dos th anI discovered

c' Fheller.:erIreturntoBarbados.Iamfilled with

11 a llardlyhadAnae nt e re d the roomwhe n
e \'('I)'onesta rte d to _
hAs a res ultofAna's re ce nt. e ve ryone
wa nte d to me ethe r.
c Despit eherreputation, Anadidn'tseem to

12 a Not olllywas theirre la ti on shiphappy,but
it alsoprod uced__-,-__
bSillceshehas hcen with Bruno, shehas forgott en

c Soastoce le br ate theiranniversarv,theyre tu rned to

CChoosenineof the linking words that you wantto
learn.Use a dictionarytofind anotherexample ofhow
each isused, thenwritea new sent enceof yourow n.

22 • Writingsub-skills

1.1 Sentenceadverbials

Sentenceadverbials frequentl y appearat the beginning
of a senten ce,andarefollowed by a comma. Many of
themcan, however, beusedin other pos itions.
The numbers(2,3,4) in the tableoppos iteindicatesome
ofthe other positions where the adverbialfrequently
appears. If no number is written,the adverbial normally
appears inposition (1). These are suggestions for
guidance only and by no meansa set of rules.
The followingsentence will illustrate the 4 positions.
( I) Thesnake(2)(,3)ate th eIIJOlIse(4 ).

Capitalleite rfollowedby a comma.
Intire meantim e,the snakeU.:llS eating themou se.
2 Midposition (beforetheverb), no comma.
The snakeeccnt ullil yatethe11l0l1SC.
3 Mid pos iti on, in parenthesis(between two commas).
The snake,inth e meantime ,l U iSeatillgth e"lOuse,
4 End position.
TheSHakehas eaten 12 miceso f a r.
F formal
INF in fo rmal
* whe nthese adverbial s are use dillpositionl ,
they arenot followed hyacomm a,
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