2 Orderingpoints,addinginform at io n
A W hengiving anumberofreasons forsomething,
adverbi als can be used tomarkeach reason,and
sometimesto indic ate which ismostimportan t:
There arc threercasollslchyI crossedtheAtlantu:ill(J
pedalboat.Fir s t,ithadI/Ceerbee n donebefore.Sec ond, I
Il;asgel/crollslyspons oredhy(Jsoftdrink scor"l)(l1Iy. Ami
lastly, Iicante dto promote'greeH'feclll w !ogy.
Fin d thr ee item s that could be used inthep lac e ofFirst
in this text.
Fin dthreeitems thatcould beusedinthep lac e of
Secondin thiste xt.
Findthree ite msthatcould be used in the plac e oflastly
in this text.
B There areten adverbialsin the list sim ilar in meaning
toalso.Twoarerath er informa l,andanothertwoare
particu larlyforma l.C on c entratingonthe formalityof the
cont ext,chooseappropriatewords forth e g ap sin each
ofth ese three sent enc es.
1 It'sluxurio us , it'snot tooexpensive.and thefood's out
o f t his world. there 'sthe Italianbarman:
Illyfriends thinklie 'sthe re alreasonI alwaysgother e.
:?: Idon't want tohave ad rinkwithyou ,becauseit'stoo
e arlyillthe dayand alsoI don't likeyOIlve rymuch.
_ _ _ _ _ _,I'mnot thir sty.
3 Wearc not w holly satisfied wit h YOllr w o rk to date,
purt.cul arl vin te rms o f productivity. ,Oil
more th an one occasion your poortime ke epingrecord
has heenbroughtto our attention.
3 Reformulating,clarifying
A Findthreeitemssimilarin meaningtoin otherwords.
B 1 It came as asu rp riseto he ar thatC leawasmarried.
___ _ __,itcameas a shock.
2 The only thin g Chantalwants fo rhe rbirt hd ayis a
newEnglish g ra mmarbook. , I think
that's all she wants.
3 Ourhotelwas what thetravelagentsd escribeas
'Ihdy andcolourful". , it was in thered
lightdi strict.
-l Idon'tknowhow yo ucan listen tothatmusic.
_-,-- :-'it so unds likeRambo 'sforeign policy:
no harmo ny hutlots o f explosions.
C le mentine.
2: Afriend of minego t ajo b on a ranch ne arBue nos
Aire s. he fo und thelif e\ 'cryhard,h ut
it didn't take himlon g tnfind his fe et.
3 The food's in theovenand dinner will bereadvin an
hou r. le t's go and do so megardening.
-t \\rear ealwayslooking forhrightyoungm entojo in
o urstaff 11 00\'c\'e r,th e rearc novacancie s
B I lvebeen waiti ng an e ternityfo rthis moment.
-r- Ic allho ldYOllinm)'arms,
5 The policereceivedthebom bthre atat0. 15p.m.and
a r rivedat the scenesix minute slater.-:--,-.,----
the cinema hadulrc advbe enevac uated andthe
adjo iningstree ts cordone doff
6 O n mv twelft hhirthdav , I wasfinallv to ldwhe re
babies come from. , I hadimagi ned
they came fromthesupe rma rketlike e\'er;ihi nge lse.
The exercisesbelowwillhelpyou toexp lor eth emeaning
andusag e of sentenceadve rbia ls.
For eachofthe eight liststh ere isanexerciseA which
foc uses on the mean ing of the item s .(Withlinkingw ords,
a go odmonolingualdictionary can bevery useful; on no
ac count, ho wever, should youuse a small b il ing ual
dict ionary.)
Exerc iseB the np utsthewordsint oconte xt. Itconsists
of pairsofsentences: ineachcaset hesecondsentence
req uires a sentenceadverbial in order to showhowII is
connectedto the first. Think carefully about
thew ord order,
thed egree of formality ,
thep un ctu at ion ,
then cho o se anap p ro p riateword fromthe listindicated
(e.g .Time) to fit the gap.
1 Tim e
A Under t heheadingTime , f ind
threeitemssimilar inmeaningtoimmediately.
threeitemssimilarinmeaningtoat thesametime.
threeitemssimilarinmeaningtofinally.W hic hof
theseimpliesa feelingof r elief?
24 • Writi ngs ub -skills