Makingdescriptionsinteresting • Mo du le1A
1A Makingdescriptionsinteresting
1.0 Descriptive det ail
If you'redescribinga pieceof lost property, you don't need to worryabout
whether t he reader willfind your w riting interesting.Butif you're describing
somethingw he n w ritin g a magazine article or a story , the most importa ntthingis
to catch and hold the reader's interest. Here is acheck listof ways todo this.
Generalizing Beingspecific
a large vegetable a th re e -quarter-pou ndswee t potato
an oldship theAlarie Celeste/theTitanic
op inions facts, observations,quotations
No'picture ' Descriptivedetails
a glassofwine a long-st e mme d glassofaro matic,
goldenMusc at e l
Dull,unobservantvocabulary PrecisewonL~
look gaze, glance , stare , glare , pe ep
ask be g, implor e , reque st, dem and, invite
Repetition Variation
car... car... car... car... car..
as well... a s we ll... a s we ll ... as we ll.. .also ...\ Vhat is more ,..
Beingpredictable Surprisingthereader
'T here arc five re asonswhyI like.. startingwithsome thingst riking*
stating th e obvious; ' re ceived 'opinions originalthinking and obse rvat ion
'T he fifthre asonIlike it i s.. .' savingsomethingfor the e nd"
Alwaystalki ngabautyourself Alwaysthinkingaboutyour
*theopenings andclosingsof magazine articlesare pra ctised onpage.s 124 -127.
1 .1 The five senses
In order to includespec ific, concretedetails inyour description, you mustfir st
observein detail. Don 'tforgetthere arefive senses; you don 't haveto limit
yourselfto visual description.If, for example ,you wantedto describ e sculpt ures
in anAfricanvillage,wouldyouhave thoug ht of observing themin the dark,by
Sta ndingin the darkness ,breathing in the sme ll of woods mo ke andmeali eporridge
ande arthand unfam iliarvegetation, my hands rovedover I mlge sand incized cuts,
ju tt ing-outshapesliketrunksorhorns or be aks and roun de d onesthatmightbe
eyes ;smooth , pointedheadsandbulbous lips and nose s, fatfingers and protru din g
belly-buttonsandot he r shapesI couldn't interpret.Some weresti ckywith oilwhich
imped ed the flow of my finger s; the polished oneswere sensuo us and le t me feel
themfree ly.
Write justfouror five lines describing oneof your favouritepossessionsusingat
leastthree of the senses.
Typesof writing • 39