Unit 1 • Description
HFreedomw it hlayout
The text is arranged in avisuallayout;titles,subtitlesand slogans may be printed
extralarge andin ty pefaces thatwill catc h thereader's eye; paragraphsmay be
Why are longsentencesand long paragraphsunusual in advertisements?
I Freedomwithgrammar
Sentencesare usually short, and may notco ntain a mainverb.
Find the two examples here of a sentence wit h no mainverb.
Not ealso thenumberof sentences beginning withAndorBut ,a practice thatis
sometimesconsideredincor rect informalwriting.
Othercommon featuresof thelanguageofadvertising,not illustratedin this
J Useofstatist ic s,scientificw o rd s orforeignlang uag es
K Referencestohow'nat ural' or' p ure'th eproductis
References to trad itionsand the past, or to progress and the future , arealsovery
L Repetition(eitherofk eywordsorof t he nameofth eprod uc t)
1.1 Practice
Readthrough the followingadvertisementand then choose from the listA-Kthe
best sentence to fill eachof the blanks. Some of t hesuggestedanswersdo not
fit at all. The exercise begins with anexamp le(0).Seepage 11 for infor mation
and advice aboutthi s exercisetype.
Nowonder t he Cinque centogets on so w ellwi t h the
city.(O)_F _
It's attractive.Whocouldresistits goodlook s?
Reliable,too.(1)__(Or intoone,cometo thinkof it.)
(2)_ _ Sideimpact beams protectyour body, w hilst
100 %galvanization of all external steel panels keeps it s
own bodylookinggood for years.
Likethemsporty ?(3)_ _ Andsto psw henyou wantit
to. ( Thanks toservo-assisted brakes.)
(4)__At 42 .8mpgin t heurbancycle, youwon't
haveto spend afortuneeveryt ime you take itinto
A non-smoker.Fiat f it acatalyticconverteras standard.
It w on' tevenembarrass youin co mpany.Despitebeing
socompac t , it seats fo ur adult s comfort ably.
To make a datew it h the newFiat Cinquecentocall
0800 7 1700 0orvisityour local Fiat dealer.
(6)_ _
A You n e verknow,itcould beloveat first sight.
n ToS lIl lllip,youshould huyone.
e You can alwaysrely 011 aCinquecentoto getyOlloutofa tight spot.
o It's good withmoney.
E T heearin front is a Tovotu.
F Ithas c\"crythi ng anyone couldwishfor in a part ner.
G Itwillget youwhe rey Ollwant togo.
II And.bestofall , it 's uvailahle.
I TheC inquecentolIl ayhe small, hutitpe rformshrilliant lv.
J Like:mygood mate , it' spr otective.
K Itis a small Italian car.
46 • Types of writing