Describingproducts. Module1C
1.2 Summarizing
This exercisepractisestwo skills:
- recognizing the languageof advertisingand avoiding it when inappropriate.
- summarizing a text(alsoknown asprecis).
A Here is a summaryof the Toyotaadvertisement. It expresses, in a thirdof the
length ,all t hefactual informationgiven there. Comparethesummary with the
advertisement, andfindthe one place where thesummaryhas omittedimport ant
factual informat ion.
T heToyota 4 H.ulll1crh asth e advan tagesofa n executivesa l ooncar, h utitis a lso
goodo ff the road. Like an execu tivecar , its su nroofmirrors andwind ows(includ ing
the hac k window) are electro nica llyoperated. T he sou ndsyste mhas six spe ake rs.
T he three - litree ngi ne(a cho iceofeithert ur ho-die selO[pet ro lVG) is verv powerful.
There 's a five-speedgearbox,andyou canchangeeas ily to four-wheeld rive('\ ' CII
whe n1ll 00 ing .O ff the road, it's good forgo inguphill.It has powersteeringandalloy
wheel s.It's Fnllv guarante edforthre e yea rs or GO,OOO mile s.Fora testdrive or mo re
information, call 08007775 .5 .5.
B In a simple, factu al manner, summarizethe following advertisementin about
75 words.
~-~.'..'':':l ' -:-
Britain does make Europe's
The proof is in the pudding.
.~ I
, --
Merseyside. Onceitgave riseto t he best musicand football.Now it's
givingrisetothe best lemonsouffle.
Howcome? Becauseit's the hom e of Sto ve s. who hav ebeen
producingovens theresince the 19205..
And at Stoves we invest millions to makesure they are alwaysthe right ones. You see. we
believein delvingdeeplytofind out precise ly whatpeoplewantfrom a cooke r..
We the ncombinethis researchwiththe latest technologycooked up by our boffin s. Add the
rocess of continuous improvement which is a way of life at Stoves -and qualityI Sbut.1tm~
P Inthe Stoves' ll findsingle and doublecavityo vens, gas andelectric men s.
fa nne dand non -fa nnedovens.All havePo wer co o\. whic hkeep sdoors safetotou ch , eve n
during roasting..
While gas model s have the umque
Maxigrill, whichgivesa totally even heat.
And natura lly,we've ta kencareo f th e
worst part of cookinganymeal: thec1eaning-
up. All ourovens aresta y-clean. Inadd it ion,
they'redes ignedso thatthereare no nooks
andc rannies wheregrimecan gat her.
But, ofcourse, all of this rea lly adds up
to onething. WhileFrancemay be able to
claim th e y ha ve Europe's finest cooks,
Brita in can definitelyclaim to haveEurope' s
fine st cookers.
- ....
Types of writing • 47